Jiang Chen looked at everyone, hoping that everyone could understand what he had done at this time.

But who knew, someone suddenly said:"Are you so nice? Why don't we usually see you so nice to us?" The person who spoke had a mean face, dark skin, and was tall and thin.

Jiang Chen said nothing and only glanced at him. With just one glance, you can feel the disgust and helplessness in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The speaker then shut up and winked at everyone.

Everyone agreed:"Yes, yes!"

Jiang Chen completely lost his patience. No matter what they said, he went back to his room.

This group of disciples were still discussing,"Hey! Jiang Chen! Why did you just leave!"

Jiang Chen walked to his lounge and closed the door without looking back.

The cicadas chirped very loudly at night. I don't know if it was a problem with the noisy outside world or a problem with Jiang Chen's state of mind.

Jiang Chen fell asleep on the bed and actually suffered from insomnia. He tossed and turned on the bed, his mind filled with what his fellow disciples said.

It wasn't until the early hours of the night that Jiang Chen slowly fell asleep.

The big rooster raised in Taoism was crowing, but Jiang Chen didn't hear it because he slept too late.

He was woken up by a senior brother who opened the door and came in:"Hey! Junior brother Jiang Chen, it's your turn to be on duty today! Go quickly, otherwise the master will come to check and get angry again!"

Jiang Chen opened his eyes in a daze, By this time the sun was almost rising overhead.

After some discussion, Jiang Chen slowly picked up the broom and cleaned the Taoist hall and courtyard. He could still hear people talking about him from time to time.

Suddenly a disciple came and told Jiang Chen:"Jiang Chen, get out quickly, the landlord in the small town down the mountain is here to find you!"

Jiang Chen, who was still holding the broom in his hand, was stunned for a while, and then he came to his senses and walked out of the hall. Go to the yard.

I only saw the landowner being supported and standing looking at him, with piles of gifts beside him.

"Jiang Chen! I came to see you. You left in a hurry that day. Today I am here to thank you!"The landlord said with a smile.

After hearing the news, the disciples in the Taoist sect rushed to watch the show.

They saw the famous landlord in this small town holding Jiang Chen's hand and looking at Jiang Chen with a happy face. They were dumbfounded on the spot. The disciples are very envious of Jiang Chen

"Jiang Chen! These are the thank you gifts that I, an old man, have brought to you. I misunderstood you before, and I hope you don’t take it too seriously!"

Jiang Chen glanced at the gifts and felt guilty:"Master, you don't have to be so polite, those are what I should do."

"If so, if you bring this thank you gift, you will take it! Also, my son-in-law’s condition is almost gone, thanks to you!"

"It should be done, that’s it!"

The landlord came up and stayed for a while, got into the sedan and left.

These disciples came one after another to help Jiang Chen move these things.

The disciple who scolded Jiang Chen the most before blushed and said to Jiang Chen in embarrassment:"Jiang Chen, I wrongly blamed you before, I'm sorry.~"

"Sorry Jiang Chen, let me help you!"

Many disciples apologized to Jiang Chen one after another, and Jiang Chen felt much better.

Finally, he no longer had to be misunderstood by others. After a while, everyone brought the thank-you gifts brought by the landlord into the house.

Jiang Chen He also generously distributed some to the disciples.

Now the conflict was resolved.

Jiang Chen said to everyone:"Thank you everyone!"

He continued to clean with the broom.

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