Jiang Chen looked at the wounded who had foreseen their recovery and finally a smile appeared on his lips. It seemed that the scene in front of him was the source of motivation for all his actions.

At the same time, things here have almost been resolved, and he is thinking about whether to leave.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen was completely unaware that most of the people in the town had already gathered together, whispering about this new patriarch.

There were also many people here before him, but these people may be higher than him in terms of strength, but they have never behaved as strangely as him.

Those patriarchs would not rush over to eliminate demons like him, nor would they help the people heal like him. They usually returned directly after killing them all, never caring about the life and death of the people here.

It is precisely because of this that these people did not have a good view of Jiang Chen from the beginning. After all, in their eyes, he was a very ruthless person, and slaying demons was just their job.

But gradually after getting along with each other, these people have obviously discovered that Jiang Chen is fundamentally different from the previous ancestors in behavior. He has never shown any arrogance and pride, on the contrary, he loves the people quite a bit.

It was precisely because of his kind deeds that the people gradually changed their minds, especially the villager who complained about him at the beginning and was now thinking about whether to make him admit his mistakes.

In fact, they were really flattered by Jiang Cheng's current performance. This kind of favor made them all wonder if they had some treasure in their bodies.

The villager was also a little frightened, very afraid that Jiang Chen would change because of his words, even though this was just his single-minded thought.

After all, if it really changed because of one or two words, Jiang Chen wouldn't have been able to help these people in the past three days.

In fact, Jiang Chen actually had some understanding of the behavior of the ancestors in the past, which was why he did not feel resentful at the beginning. On the contrary, he became extremely kind.

It is precisely because he understands the reasons in the hearts of those people that he is able to resolve the evil consequences one by one.

And just when Jiang Chen wanted to take a rest at night, he opened the door and found that most of the people in the village had gathered at his door. This frightened him a little, and he said anxiously at a loss:"Is there another monster coming? ?"

The villagers standing in front of him shook their heads guiltily, looked at their companions around and then said:"Actually, we came here specifically to apologize to the ancestor. We feel regret for our previous unreasonable actions, and we also Please forgive us, Grandmaster."

Seeing the guilty expressions on the faces of these people, Jiang Chen had a look of astonishment on his face and quickly stopped them, wanting to continue speaking.

He immediately said that he was not hurt by those words, and that he was indeed responsible for these monsters causing trouble. He would definitely arrive as quickly as possible next time.

These words moved the villagers even more. At this moment, they truly felt the different aura exuding from this new patriarch.

This breath is very strange, with a strange warmth that makes everyone who feels it involuntarily want to smile happily. This is a strange sense of security, a feeling that can make everyone feel at ease..

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