The villagers were greatly shocked after watching Jiang Chen kill all the monsters.

Although they were a little shocked, more of the villagers were extremely grateful to Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen hadn't arrived in time, their home would have been destroyed by these monsters again.

Then they themselves literally become homeless.

Looking at the intact houses around them, the villagers couldn't help but feel happy.

If their house was destroyed, where should they live?

Thinking of this, the villagers felt scared.

At this time, Jiang Chen had defeated all the monsters.

He finally got a chance to rest.

He sat on the other side, panting, recovering his exhausted strength.

"Oops, why are you continuing to act stupidly here? Didn't you see that people helped us get rid of the monsters, and you still didn't express your gratitude."

One of the women looked at her husband, who was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do next to her. She felt a little resentful in her heart.

"Oh, oh oh……"

When the husband heard what his wife said, he immediately reacted:"After the husband who went to give them some food said this, he picked up the water he poured and walked in the direction of Jiang Chen. She walked over.

When the woman saw her husband-in-law like this, she curled up her lips with satisfaction.

"That's not enough. The rich woman thought about how her husband-in-law only brought a bowl of water. What if all the people in front of her were hungry.

Thinking of this, the woman went back to her home and took some cakes.

She was secretly angry at the same time. Her husband-in-law was so stupid that he even thought of giving water to others, but could not think of giving him some food.

When other people nearby saw the woman holding so much food in her hands, they rushed towards Jiang Chen. They also took out all the delicious food from their own homes in a decent manner.

"Daxian, please drink a bowl of water. Thank you for helping us."

My husband was holding a bowl of tea in his hand, and he handed it to Jiang Chen respectfully, with a bit of admiration in his eyes.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised when he saw that the husband brought him a bowl of water.

Jiang Chen Seeing the husband say this again, he smiled:"Thank you very much."

When the husband heard Jiang Chen thank you like this, he waved his hand:"No, it's us who are actually thanking you. Take your time and drink."

Jiang Chen took the bowl of water and poured it into his stomach without saying a word.

At that moment, the woman walked up to Jiang Chen and said,"Master, let's have some food. We know that you must have expended a lot of energy just now to help us get rid of the demon, so eat a piece of cake to cushion your stomach. Our family can't give you any other delicious food. Although this cake is a bit chilling, I hope you won't dislike it.……"

Jiang Chen looked at the cake brought by the woman and was even more moved, and he quickly thanked her several times.

The woman felt very frightened in her heart:"You're welcome, just hurry up and eat." The other people in the village also took out their own delicious food and distributed it to Jiang Chen's disciples. stand up

"These……"The apprentices looked at the villagers giving them food, and they were all frightened, but they were also very happy in their hearts.

"Thank you, don’t be restrained, take your time and eat!"

Hearing this, the disciples wolfed down their food and began to eat with big mouthfuls.

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