So Jiang Chen discussed with Lao Pao,"I think this event is too dangerous, so we should evacuate.""good."Lao Pao also agreed to his request. It turned out that Lao Pao also discovered something unusual here, so he decided to agree to Jiang Chen's request.

?So he quietly sent a message to a few of his subordinates, asking them to quietly capture the man and bring him in front of him after the exam. He wanted to see who wanted to harm him.

?So Jiang Chen calmed down again and prepared to continue the game. Due to his identity, Jiang Chen asked Lao Pao to come forward and explain himself, so that those people would not misunderstand him, so Lao Shan Pao went to speak.

?Although Lao Shan Pao is naive, he lives up to his name, but at critical moments, Lao Shan Pao is still very powerful. He stood on the stage and listened to those people talking nonsense. Lao Shan Pao felt very angry.

?"You people always slander Jiang Chen like this, but you don’t know the hardships he went through to establish the sect. Why didn’t he always help us along the way? His kindness is seen by all of us, so how could he be the one in your mouth? That's too bad to say."Shan Pao retorted.

?"Throughout our journey over the years, Jiang Chen has always been fair and just in dealing with others. How can we talk about unfairness? This is simply nonsense. Besides, isn’t it more fair if girls fight girls and boys fight boys? There are inherent differences in physical strength between boys and girls"

?"Those of you who oppose it all seem to be boys. Do you think you are inferior to girls and can't beat girls, so that's why you are so submissive? Then I really look down on you."Lao Shanpao said for a while.

?The students were speechless. When Jiang Chen saw Lao Shanpao defending himself so much, he was immediately moved. He thought that he had not misjudged the person. In fact, he could handle this matter by himself, but he wanted to check the people around him. of loyalty

?So he sent Lao Shanpao. He saw that Lao Shanpao was usually honest and serious, so he didn't think about how to test him this time. It was just that he had been too tired recently, so he just sent Lao Shanpao out. He didn't expect him to defend himself so much. It was really unexpected. outside

?He felt that Laoshanpao must be reused in the future. After Laoshanpao explained a few more words to the students, he announced the formal start of the group competition. The group competition would start with girls versus girls.

?The competition started, with bragging and drumming, it was so lively. The girls on the stage were all brave and heroic, showing their softness and beauty to the fullest. After a while, it finally came to the decisive battle, and I saw the eyes of the girls on both sides were leaking. sharp edge

?They all seem to be vying to win. After all, if they win the first place, they will be famous after school starts. If they lose, it will be something people talk about after dinner, and they will be disgraced and afraid to meet people.

?In fact, it doesn't matter whether they win or lose. What matters most is the mentality of the students. Jiang Chen wants to test whether they can withstand the strong suppression, so that they can more easily grow into talents who can eliminate harm for the people in the future.

Jiang Chen is looking for honest people who are simple and kind but not easy to trust others, but who have great love in their hearts and will not betray the sect, not those who seek profit and follow others with evil intentions. He hates these people the most in his life. , knowing that those people will betray sooner or later

?So before the competition started, many people were eliminated due to moral issues. Those who remained should be upright people. In the end, 25 girls won, and the champion was a girl with a high ponytail, who looked like someone who was not easy to mess with. appearance

?But the boys only won 20, which is enough to show that the boys in this class are not as good as the girls, so Jiang Chen's system is so fair. If the boys are still not as good as the girls, then it is not a problem of the system, but a problem of the boys' own strength.

?So Jiang Chen began to lead everyone to evacuate. Jiang Chen said to Lao Pao:"I think it is very likely that someone is doing something behind the scenes this time. Otherwise, how could it be so dangerous after a good training?" Lao Pao also felt that it made sense.

?"I also think, otherwise, how could there be several advanced creatures in such a simple forest, which we have never seen before when we came here. There are many doubts about this."

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