Seeing Jiang Chen's serious look, Lao Pao felt that he was not joking and there might be something wrong with this book. When he thought of this, Lao Pao turned around and threw the book away.

?Jiang Chen was shocked:"What are you doing? Why did you throw the book away?"

?"Didn't you say it has an evil aura? This kind of thing is so unlucky. If you don’t throw it away, why should you keep it with you?"

?"Brother, this is our clue. You just threw it away? Then we are here in vain! I beg you, can you be smarter?"

?Lao Pao scratched his head in embarrassment and said,"Then what should we do now?"

?"What else can we do? Let’s find it!"

?Therefore, Jiang Chen and Lao Pao could only bend down and search in the dark. They searched for a long time.

?"Here it is! Found it!" Jiang Chen shouted

?When Lao Pao heard Jiang Chen's cry, he immediately ran towards him. Lao Pao saw the book in Jiang Chen's hand and reached out to touch it. Jiang Chen reacted quickly and put the book in his arms at once

?Lao Pao was a little confused and asked:"What are you doing?""I can't let this book fall into your hands again.""

?"I'll just take a look. Do you need to be so stingy? Besides, I already know his importance!"

?"Just forget it, you can't understand it. What if you find something bad again and throw it away to him again? I don't want to have to look for it again in the dark. Besides, I suspect that this book is the source of all evil, and it’s not safe to put it on you."Lao Pao was speechless about this.

?They searched deeply near the cave, but found nothing. They decided to leave the forest first.

?I don’t know if it was because they were carrying this book, but monsters kept blocking them along the way, which made Jiang Chen and Lao Pao very worried.

?"Otherwise, let's hide this book and come back to get it tomorrow. These monsters seem to be here for this book. If we take him with us again, we will probably turn into human flesh before we get out of the forest."

?Jiang Chen glared at him and said:"The more they stop us, the more it means there is something wrong with this book. If we leave him here, we will definitely not find him tomorrow. Besides, do you think we keep this book?" Will this book be able to leave smoothly? How could these monsters let us go so easily? Regardless of whether we hand over the book or not, they will definitely kill us."

?While the two were talking, two monsters behind them stretched out their long claws towards them. Jiang Chen felt something strange moving behind him and turned around immediately, dodging the monster's attack with quick eyes and quick hands. Lao Pao was very unlucky because he didn't find the monster in time. Lao Pao's shoulder was scratched by the monster. Blood immediately left Lao Pao's shoulder. Lao Pao was in so much pain that he sat on the ground and screamed.

?The monsters flew around Lao Pao in circles, as if they were smiling triumphantly. Lao Pao was about to be pissed off:"If you have the ability to be upfront, what's the point of being evil?"

?How could the monsters listen to his words? They all moved towards Lao Pao at once. Jiang Chen protected him in front of Lao Pao and fought them back.

?The monster was provoked and attacked again, and the old cannon was no longer used to these people. Jiang Chen and Lao Pao cooperated very well. Soon, these monsters were eliminated by them. The remaining monsters did not dare to come forward after seeing this, so they all ran away in despair.

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