Jiang Chen carried the zhenqi in his body and took the fire unicorn with him, flying between the big trees.

Looking from a distance, only two figures can be seen, twinkling among the trees.

"Fire Qilin, let's hurry up! Let's run a little further, and when we get there I'll take you to have a good rest and take you to eat your favorite fruit."

Jiang Chen continued to tap his toes, without slowing down his pace at all. He just lowered his head and spoke softly to Huo Qilin next to him.

This is his closest partner, and this guy has been with him for a long time.

Jiang Chen really likes Fire Qilin in his heart. In his heart, he no longer regards Fire Qilin simply as a pet, but as his relative.

"Ouch~" The fire unicorn, which had been following Jiang Chen closely, let out one cry after another, raised its head, looked at Jiang Chen, and waved its fiery red tail to show its affection for Jiang Chen. Intimate.

Seeing Huo Qilin's rare and cute look, Jiang Chen felt warm in his heart. He looked down at Huo Qilin and smiled lovingly.

"Okay, let's work harder and try to get there as soon as possible."After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he reached out and touched the fire unicorn's head, smoothing its red and shiny furry hair.

Then he put away his smile and returned to his usual look of keeping away from strangers.

Jiang Chen Then he picked up the speed and flew forward at a faster speed.

Maintaining this speed, after flying for a while, a wider and empty flat land appeared, reflecting in Jiang Chen's eyes. When

Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately jumped from the branch with the fire unicorn. He came down, turned around neatly, and stopped firmly in the open space.

After standing firm, Jiang Chen lowered his head to see if Huo Qilin was safe. After checking to make sure that Huo Qilin was fine, Jiang Chen put it down. His heart came to him.

Then Jiang Chen began to look around and take stock of the surrounding environment. Fire Qilin also followed behind him, wagging its tail, poking its head forward, sniffing left and right in the bushes.

Jiang Chen just After walking and looking around like this for a long time, I found nothing out of the ordinary, so I planned to leave.

"Qilin, let’s go!"Jiang Chen turned to that side and called out to Fire Qilin, who was still smelling the fragrance of wild flowers, to leave.

"Ouch~" When Fire Qilin heard Jiang Chen's call, he immediately abandoned the wild flower, ran to Jiang Chen's side, and then pressed his furry head against Jiang Chen's leg.

"Okay, Qilin, let’s continue on our way."Jiang Chen touched Huo Qilin's head, then circulated his true energy throughout his body, tapped his toes, leaped to the tree, began to walk through the trees, and continued on his way.

Huo Qilin also followed quickly, following Jiang Chen , two shadows jumped quickly between the trees.

After a long time, they finally arrived at their destination. When Jiang Chen was on the tree, he smelled the smell of blood and corruption from a distance. Fire Qilin also smelled it and made a sound. Remind Jiang Chen

"Ooooooooooooooooo!"Qilin, I know, let's go down and see what's going on?""After Jiang Chen said that, he took Qilin and flew down and stopped in the open space.

Not only Jiang Chen and the others flew down, but many cultivators suddenly appeared from all directions, also wanting to check the situation.

Then Jiang Chen was about to go in. After discovering that the cultivators who had gone in together were devoured into dregs, Jiang Chen immediately did not dare to be careless. He cautiously explored for a moment and found a kind of tiny bugs all over the forest, and then ordered the fire unicorn to release the unicorn true fire and start attacking.

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