After meditating for a while, Jiang Chen felt refreshed and full of energy, without any fatigue from yesterday. The formation set up yesterday was not triggered by being touched. There was no danger, and nothing broke into the formation. He called Qilin and prepared to take Qilin to continue searching for the Wood Spirit Pearl.

Yesterday, under the obstruction of the tree demon, the Wood Spirit Pearl was chased away. Although Jiang Chen knew that the Wood Spirit Pearl must still be in the Forest of Silence, the Forest of Silence was so big and the Wood Spirit Pearl was such a small target. I missed the good opportunity yesterday. If I try to find it again today, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult.

Besides, with yesterday's tracking, Mu Lingzhu stopped being frightened and must have found a place to hide. Jiang Chen came to the place where he was blocked yesterday and prepared to start searching from here. The Wood Spirit Pearl was extremely important to him. The Wood Spirit Pearl appeared in front of his eyes and he watched helplessly as it escaped from his eyes. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen felt regretful for a while.

Jiang Chen released his powerful spiritual consciousness and started a carpet-like search from here. With his powerful spiritual consciousness, although the Forest of Silence was not small, it would not take long to search it again.

Jiang Chen spread his powerful spiritual consciousness and moved quickly in front. Qilin followed Jiang Chen. When he encountered insects and tree demons, he used Qilin's true fire to clear the way for Jiang Chen, preventing Jiang Chen from letting go. Chen was wasting his time searching for these bugs and dryads.

As they continued to advance, they had almost searched through most of the Forest of Silence, but there was still no trace of the Wood Spirit Pearl. This situation made Jiang Chen feel a sinking feeling in his heart. Could it be that his guess was wrong? The Wood Spirit Pearl was not in Silence. In the forest, escaped?

Although Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness was powerful, it could not withstand such consumption. He searched for a whole day and searched most of the Silent Forest. His spiritual consciousness was seriously consumed and he needed to find a place to meditate and recover. This way he could This can prevent the Wood Spirit Bead from escaping again after finding it.

Because of Jiang Chen's profound knowledge, he searched for the Forest of Silence without stopping. He searched non-stop for a whole day. He searched most of the Forest of Silence through a carpet-like search, but unfortunately there was still no trace of the Wood Spirit Pearl.

Jiang Chen took Qilin with him, identified the direction, and restored the remaining spiritual consciousness that had been consumed while walking. If it weren't for the presence of Qilin beside him, Jiang Chen would not have dared to squander his spiritual consciousness like this and did not care about consumption. If you consume too much, you will be treated as a fat sheep during the search, and you will be caught off guard, then you will have no choice but to wait and die.

Together with Qilin, he returned to the place where he meditated before. The formation he arranged had not been destroyed and no one had been there, so he prepared to enter the formation to meditate and recover.

Before Jiang Chen had recovered much of his spiritual consciousness, he felt that there was a subtle movement not far away from him. If Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness hadn't been so powerful, he wouldn't have been able to detect it. Then Jiang Chen slowly moved in which direction, very cautiously, and very cautiously, fearing that the noise would be too loud and disturb the thing.

After getting closer, Jiang Chen sent out his spiritual consciousness to investigate. This investigation made Jiang Chen very excited. This thing was none other than the wooden spirit bead that escaped before.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, since it was a wood spirit bead, it should be afraid of fire, and Qilin's Qilin True Fire is a relatively high-level flame. Jiang Chen asked Qilin to spray the Qilin True Fire into it. After spraying it for a while, Qilin The high temperature of the real fire made the Wood Lingzhu unable to bear it, so it flew out.

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