A few seconds before the barrier collapsed, Jiang Chen pulled Huo Qilin and quickly fell downwards, thus escaping the disaster.

"It really scared me to death. If you hadn't pulled me away just now, I must have been scratched by this barrier now. I don't know whether I will live or die!"Huo Qilin said angrily.

Jiang Chen has long been used to his humorous temperament, and he starts talking nonsense as soon as it is safe. There is really no one like him.

"How long will it take for you to change your bad temper?……"Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

After the barrier is broken, the two plan to inspect the interior of the barrier.

"Is this really okay? If there are many things in it that we did not expect, we will have no way to protect ourselves."Huo Qilin said

"But if we don't go in and take a look, this trip will be in vain."Jiang Chen still maintained his intention to go in and explore.

Huo Qilin didn't agree with this. Jiang Chen clearly still had in his hand something that he almost sacrificed his life for.Lingzhu

"It’s not a loss for us, it would be misfortune if we encounter any monsters or monsters inside!"

Jiang Chen has never been such a timid person. He is willing to inquire about any new things he encounters.

"If you don't want to go, I won't force you. Just wait here, or if you are really scared, go back by yourself! I can just go up there myself."

Jiang Chen's toneless words sounded to Huo Qilin's ears like he was humiliating him. Doesn't this mean that he is a coward? He doesn't even dare to enter this broken barrier.

"I don’t like hearing what you say. What’s the relationship between us? If we can’t be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, then we have to die in the same year, the same month and the same day! If you must go to this enchantment today, then brother, I will definitely go in with you!"Although Huo Qilin usually commits serious crimes, in the final analysis, he is indeed a person who values ​​love and justice.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen's character would never tolerate a brother like Huo Qilin by his side.

The two of them entered into each other like this. They entered a strange space, a place they had never been to before. Both of them looked confused after entering the strange space.

"This...where is this?"Huo Qilin looked around, but found that none of it was the world he knew.

Jiang Chen was as at a loss as Huo Qilin,"Forget it, don't worry about this for now, let's look ahead first. The top priority now is to find out if there is anything in this world that we can use."

Huo Qilin nodded to show that what he said was reasonable, so the two of them discussed how to find it while observing this magical world.

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen. Huo Qilin on the side Qilin was carefully observing the little creature on the side.

Isn't this Fire Qilin's rival Shuijun? How could we meet him here? Is there another entrance to this barrier?

A series of questions were swirling in Jiang Chen's mind

"Do you think there are other methods or entrances to this barrier?"Jiang Chen looked at Huo Qilin and asked seriously.

Huo Qilin scratched his head,"If you must ask, there may be some. After all, if you can come in, others must have a way to come in, but I don't know the specific location.……"

Jiang Chen also thought so in his heart.

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