The power and mystery within it are unfathomable.

Jiang Chen touched the stone next to him again. Found this whole wall. They are all transformed into formations and are not real like the stones inside.

When a person touches what looks like a stone, he actually uses powerful magic to explore it. It turns out that there is gas inside. If he continues to explore deeply, his magic power seems to be sucked away by something.

God, what kind of master is this? The formation left behind. So enigmatic. Even him. It's very difficult to find flaws. What a master among the people.

But it has to be said that there are many dangers here, both real and fake. Some things seem real but are fake, such as this stone wall. Another example is that the road ahead seems real, but in fact sometimes what you encounter when you walk there is gas. There are many dangers here.

Jiang Chen kept searching for the origin of the formation. Since there is a flaw here, it is possible that other formation eyes are nearby. Jiang Chen frowned and his eyes became more serious.

On the other side, the fire unicorn and Suicune were fighting fiercely, and Suicune was having a hard time coping. have no choice. said. Fire Qilin, I know you can understand what I say. How about we stop here and fight again after we get out? We have business at hand now. what do you think.

Fire Qilin continued to cast spells without stopping. As if he didn't hear Suicune's words, he didn't stop using his magic at all.

The water fish had no choice but to hold on with its scalp. Gradually it became a bit difficult. Now Suicune really can't resist the fire unicorn's attack.

The Fire Kirin itself possesses the power of the Fire Spirit Pearl, which is complementary to Suicune's magic.

Logically speaking, Suicune should have suppressed the Fire Kirin.

But the Fire Kirin has the Fire Spirit Pearl, and its magic is much higher than that of Suicune. That's why Suicune can't defeat the Fire Kirin

"Something is wrong with this world. It seems like there are some rules calling. Is this not the real world?"Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Fire Qilin and Shui Jun were engaged in a fierce battle. The power and rules that the two burst out made the whole world begin to shake slightly.

Although the power of the two of them was strong, they did not reach the true supreme state. , so it is impossible to shake the rules of heaven and earth.

"What exactly is going on? Who set the scene? How dare you harm two powerful men!"Jiang Chen is a little confused.

Fire Qilin and Shui Jun are both extremely powerful. With the two of them together, even the top experts would not dare to trap them.

But now the fighting energy of the two of them makes me just obey the rules. It was shaking, which means there is something strange here.

A ball of flame appeared in Jiang Chen's hand and began to enter the world. The rules between heaven and earth. After touching the river flame, it began to shake slightly.

"Who on earth did this good thing and dared to harm us like this!"Jiang Chen couldn't help but say.

He discovered that this was not the real world, but an illusion created by someone using the Chaos Treasure. There should be some different space here.

It was said that Fire Qilin and Shui Jun were once in the same space. The battle was going on inside, and this situation surprised them.

Soon because of the chaos treasure, the fire unicorn quickly defeated Shui Jun!

Jiang Chen found that this formation was extremely dangerous, and there were unknown traps hidden everywhere. He Now I have discovered several strange things.

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