Next, it’s time to get down to business, which is to completely eliminate the ancient god. Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin don't have a clue yet, and they don't know how to completely defeat the ancient god. But there has to be a place to start. Huo Qilin and Jiang Chen walked around the ancient god.

He just walked around the ancient god's body calmly, making the ancient god angry. Watching the enemy looking for his own weakness, but unable to do anything. He also watched the enemy walking around him, but he couldn't move. Just watching the enemy walking away, pointing at himself again and again. Seeing his enemy studying his body structure, Gu Shen felt that this was a great insult to him.

But what can be done? There is nothing that the ancient gods can do. Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin walked around for a few times and studied for a while. Although I still haven't found any solution, it's not that there is no solution at all. Since you really can’t figure out where to start, let’s start with the body.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin looked at each other and smiled, looking at the ancient god sinisterly. That weird look in his eyes made Gu Shen feel bad. A chill gradually rose from behind, and the ancient god secretly felt that something was not good.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin began to attack the ancient god's body. Just attacking bit by bit like that made the ancient god miserable. It felt like cutting off your own flesh one by one. I was in so much pain that I couldn't bear to die, but I was powerless and there was nothing I could do.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin worked harder to attack the ancient god's body. The ancient god was wailing, and the screams were endless. Who can't move? Who allowed himself to lose to Jiang Chen? Is this the price for losers? The unbearable pain made the ancient god want to die quickly.

The ancient god's body began to slowly melt as Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin attacked. Little by little, it turned into pools of black water."Despicable! Shameless! Damn! You are too vicious!" The ancient god tried hard to struggle and break free. It's a pity that no matter how hard I try, my limbs just won't obey me and I can't move."Kill me! Kill me! You are so inhuman! Give me a break!"

The pain was unbearable, and the ancient god had no choice but to start begging for death. Of course Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin didn't care how the ancient gods cried. A long time has passed, and the ancient god's body is still slowly melting. The progress was not big, but not small either. More black water appeared on the ground. The ancient god's body has melted to almost half of its size.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin were almost exhausted. Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin were tired. But you can't stop. If you stop, if the ancient god reacts and can move, it will be terrible. After a long time, the ancient god still didn't react. But his body has almost melted.

A shiny thing was revealed. what is that? Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin glanced at each other. He quickly realized that that should be the ancient god's fatal weakness. If the guess is good, it should be that, but Jiang Chen is still a little confused. Why do you care so much? Why don't we just give it a try first?

The ancient god felt a sense of relief when he saw that his weakness was finally discovered. Although I don't know if it is true, it is correct that Jiang Chen is gathering strength and preparing to make a big move. Because I don't know what the correct method is, I can only try to attack directly first. Concentrating his energy, a beam of light shot out from Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Hitting the inner thing, the ancient god let out a last painful cry and finally died.

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