"It’s just a book! It's simply ridiculous that he still wants to struggle in my palm."

There was only endless indifference in Jiang Chen's eyes.

After being completely sealed by the Five Elements Spiritual Pearl, the book finally lay on the ground obediently, unable to move, as if it had surrendered, and seemed to have no attack at all. Sex.

But all this is more like another illusion.

Just relying on Jiang Chen's strength to exert all his power is naturally not the only one.

But it is not that simple to completely solve this ancient book. Things.

Jiang Chen doesn’t have any other bosses now, so he can only seal them for the time being.

"Okay, almost all of these people have been dealt with!"

Jiang Chen clapped his hands, looked at the ancient book, and then calmly retracted his eyes, with a bit of indifference in his expression.

This battle can be said to be quite difficult, and it caught people off guard. He had to be on all vigilance.

And the most important thing is that Jiang Chen never thought that even an ordinary book could have such a powerful offensive power.

"It seems that this formation is full of surprises."

Huo Qilin waited nearby obediently, with a hint of obedience in his expression.

"Let's go, leave this formation now, there is nothing left to exploit here."

Jiang Chen stretched lazily, looked around the entire formation, and said unsteadily.

Fire Qilin naturally nodded obediently, without any objection to this.

There might be something else here. There are other dangers that they were not aware of. If they continue to stay here, they are just wasting their time for no reason. It is better to leave quickly.

Then Jiang Chen left the formation directly with Huo Qilin and came to the top.

Jiang Chen Opening his eyes, the whole place now looks more like a mess.

The land of water spirit has just experienced a battle, and naturally does not have the ability to recover immediately. Everything is still at a slow speed when entering the formation. That look.

Suicune had already died.

"It seems that there is no other value in staying here now."

Jiang Chen said with great disappointment.

Just when Jiang Chen was about to leave, Fire Qilin suddenly lay on the ground.

"What's wrong? Did you find something?"

Jiang Chen raised his brows slightly and immediately approached to ask.

Huo Qilin nodded obediently, which made people a little confused.

Then Jiang Chen quickly looked forward along the place where Huo Qilin was lying, and saw a big white star, but it appeared in appeared in front of him.

This was Suicune's egg.

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He really never thought that there was actually a Suicune's egg here.

And he He didn't notice it at the first time.

If Huo Qilin hadn't suddenly fallen to the ground, I'm afraid he would have left long ago.

"Since meeting each other can be regarded as fate, I will accept it unceremoniously."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, walked over quickly, picked up the egg and put it on his body without hesitation.

He clearly felt a slow power coming from the egg, and it seemed that it was coming immediately. About to break out of the shell

"What a surprise."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and left the Water Spirit Land without hesitation with the egg and the Fire Qilin.

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