Nowadays, the ancestral land of Fire Qilin is very likely not safe. You must make more preparations on the way to the ancestral land of Fire Qilin.

After thinking about the treasures he had in the Five Elements Mountains, Jiang Chen decided to exchange all his gains in the Five Elements Mountains into spiritual stones.

Soon Jiang Chen pinched his face twice, and the current Jiang Chen immediately changed his appearance. The current Jiang Chen's face seemed to have no features at all.

Such a person might not be recognized even if thrown into a crowd.

With this face on his face, Jiang Chen walked into the market.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to sell all the treasures he obtained in the market, but soon Jiang Chen discovered that he had overestimated the purchasing power of these people.

They simply couldn't afford the treasures they got in the Five Elements Mountains. Some of them even looked at themselves with their eyes rolling. It seemed that they had other thoughts about themselves. If they continued to stay in the market, I don't know yet what will happen.

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly. He knew that his plan had failed and now he could only find another way out.

There are shops on both sides, and the most luxurious one is Duobao Pavilion.

Jiang Chen randomly pulled someone over and asked,"Brother, how is this Duobao Pavilion? Is its reputation reliable?"

That person happened to be a talkative person, so he started to brag,"You are asking me the right question. People, Duobao Pavilion is different, do you know who is behind Duobao Pavilion!"

After a pause, Jiang Chen felt that his head was getting bigger, but this person still talked for more than ten minutes. I didn't get to the point, Jiang Chen was a little helpless

"I just want to know whether Duobao Pavilion is reliable or not. It’s of no use to me if you tell me this! The man's eyes widened,"

What?" You still don’t know?"

The man slapped Jiang Chen's shoulder suddenly,"I've been telling you for so long how awesome Duobao Pavilion is just to tell you, how could such an awesome place not be reliable!"

Jiang Chen was completely confused by this person's logic, but fortunately, Jiang Chen finally got the answer he wanted.

He entered the Duobao Pavilion directly. Then he took out the treasures he had harvested in the Five Elements Mountains , the people from Duobao Pavilion immediately took Jiang Chen in.

Being able to bring out so many treasures meant that he was a big customer. The waiter followed Jiang Chen, and the shopkeeper’s attitude was also somewhat respectful. He placed himself in the Five Elements All the treasures obtained by the mountain range were exchanged for spiritual stones, and Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

If these treasures were sold, it would be nothing. If they had been on his body, they would be a hot potato.

He sold all the treasures in his hands. At this time, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't stay here too long and walked directly towards the door.

At this moment, a person hurriedly broke in. After seeing Jiang Chen, the person couldn't help but frown. He frowned.

The shopkeeper on the side shouted,"Pavilion Master, you are back!""

The Pavilion Master looked at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's appearance was so ordinary that it made people feel that he shouldn't be here.

Thinking of this, the Pavilion Master couldn't help but ask,"What is this person doing here?"

The shopkeeper immediately took out one treasure after another and placed them in front of Jiang Chen,"Look at these things, these are all brought by him. Not only are the treasures of high quality, but the prices are also very cheap!"

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