Jiang Chen found the Fire Qilin after selling all the treasures. At this time, the Fire Qilin turned into its real body and was wandering around. He saw Jiang Chen and the Fire Qilin shouting,"Is the matter done? Now can we go find the ancestors?" Earth?"

The ancestral land's attraction to Fire Qilin was so strong that it surpassed everything else. Jiang Chen just looked at Fire Qilin and couldn't help but frowned,"Look at what you are like now. If I continue to lead you forward, I don't know how much trouble you're going to cause me!"

Fire Qilin muttered,"I just sensed the ancestral land, so it's really troublesome to change into my own form, so I'll transform now.!"

Just a red light flashed, and Huo Qilin immediately turned into a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth. He smiled innocently at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen shrugged helplessly. Fire Qilin is Fire Qilin. Although he is no longer in the state of Qilin now, he still likes to be in the spotlight.

It was obvious that Huo Qilin became like this on purpose. He just wanted to attract more attention to himself.

Sure enough, as Jiang Chen expected, Huo Qilin attracted a lot of attention along the way, and Huo Qilin looked around triumphantly. In his opinion, as a Fire Qilin, he should be so coquettish.

At this time, a carriage was just passing by, but when the people in the carriage heard the voice of the fire unicorn, they suddenly stopped and opened the door curtain of the carriage.

Behind the door curtain is an ordinary face. Although his appearance is ordinary, his clothes are extremely gorgeous. It is obvious that he is a lady.

After seeing the fire unicorn, this man's eyes immediately froze, and the carriage also stopped.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, because this carriage blocked the way for him and Huo Qilin. No one believed it even if they said it was not intentional.

The woman walked down and looked at Huo Qilin blankly,"Who is this? Why is he so handsome!"

Jiang Chen walked over and said,"He is my servant, I don't know what you want to do?"

"servant?"When he heard these two words, the man's eyes lit up, and the people around him shouted,"You are so rude, do you know who you are talking to? The person in front of you is the eldest lady of the Wang family.!"

"What is the eldest lady of the Wang family? Why don’t I know who the eldest lady of the Wang family is!"

Huo Qilin said casually, and the people around the eldest lady of the Wang family were about to attack Huo Qilin, but they were directly stopped by the eldest lady of the Wang family.

"You can't do anything to him, I'm attracted to this person!"

The people around were stunned, and Huo Qilin was also stunned,"What do you mean by taking a fancy to me? You have a crush on me, but I don’t have a crush on you. Besides, you don’t look good. It’s useless even if you have a crush on me. I won’t fall in love with you!"

Huo Qilin's words made the eldest lady of the Wang family turn blue and white, but she soon recovered,"It doesn't matter if you don't like me, I naturally have many ways to make you like me!"

As soon as he said this, Huo Qilin couldn't help but take a step back. He felt that the woman in front of him seemed a little crazy.

At this time, an old man came over. He did not look at Huo Qilin because he had already seen it. , among these two people, Fire Qilin obviously does not occupy a dominant position.

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