As soon as he heard Huo Qilin mention these characteristics, Jiang Chen immediately thought of a person who matched these characteristics.

You must know that there are not many powerful middle-aged men in the world, and he doesn't know many, and he doesn't have a good relationship with him, so there is only one person.

It’s Panlong!

Jiang Chen was certain that this was the answer, because apart from this person, he really couldn't think of anyone else having anything to do with this matter.

I didn't expect that this Panlong would be so hateful, and even wanted to arrest two gentle and kind-hearted old couples who were defenseless.

This is simply not something humans do.

After Jiang Chen said this answer in his heart, he became very, very anxious, because Panlong could actually take the old couple away. Who knows what he would ask these two old people to do, and who knows whether he will abuse them?

You must know that in front of such a burly Panlong, these two old people appear so weak. If there is any conflict, the old people will definitely suffer.

Moreover, these two old couples must have been taken away because they took in Huo Qilin. If that is the case, then it can be said that it is because of Jiang Chen and the others that the old couple suffered this misfortune.

Thinking like this in his heart, he felt even less sorry. He decided to rescue these two people as soon as possible without letting them suffer any harm.

Huo Qilin didn't even know what Jiang Chen was thinking just now. He only knew that he stood up suddenly and ran out of his door like an arrow from the string. He didn't know where he was going.

This move made him feel a little good, but at the same time he also felt comforted by the anxious old couple.

The reins that ran out ran directly to the Yanhua Gang alone, trying to get the two old couples out.

Because he was in a hurry, he ran very, very fast, several times faster than flying, so he reached this place very quickly.

But one thing he didn't consider was that this place was heavily guarded. He couldn't enter this place alone. There were many guards at the door, all with weapons.

"Get out of my way, I want to go in and find someone."Jiang Chen said very hastily. His heart was now filled with the safety of the two old couples.

"who are you? Do you have any tokens for us to come in."The two guards wanted him to show a sign that allowed him to enter this place, but how could Jiang Chen have anything from this place? So he was locked out ruthlessly and could not enter this place at all.

In fact , Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to these two guards at all, so he wanted to rush in directly.

Now because he was in a hurry to get out, he didn't make any preparations, so alone, these two guards still He was a bit difficult to deal with. He was locked out, but he made a very big noise.

Because the noise was quite big, Panlong even knew the news and immediately came out to see Jiang Chen.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with those two people. If you want someone, we'll meet at the auction."Bai Lang didn't seem to want to say anything more to him, so he directly told him his purpose and the results of this matter.

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