Realizing that the matter had been solved, Jiang Chen quickly took out the cornucopia. Although he still didn't know how powerful this treasure was, he thought it shouldn't be too bad, right?

With some uneasiness in his heart, Jiang Chen turned his attention to those people from the Immortal Sect and found that they seemed to be accepting the instructions from the elders at the moment, which made him secretly relieved.

Fortunately, the people from the Immortal Sect have not come to find him yet, which means that he still has a certain amount of free time. This time can be used to see if there is any way to deal with these guys.

However, when Jiang Chen poured his power into the cornucopia with excitement on his face, he saw a little starlight flashing on the outside of the cornucopia, as if he was gathering power, but the starlight quickly disappeared, as if he had too little power.

This sudden change immediately shocked Jiang Chen. He didn't know what happened to the cornucopia, but no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that the situation was not conducive to him, so his face suddenly fell.

"What exactly is going on?"Jiang Chen, who was extremely surprised, couldn't help but shouted in a low voice. He almost couldn't control his voice and let the sound get out.

Fortunately, he quickly controlled his emotions and kept himself in a relatively stable state. In this state, he continued to look at the cornucopia.

However, he saw that the cornucopia that seemed to have stopped beating suddenly started to move again. As white lights flashed by, a lovely person emerged from the cornucopia..

Jiang Chen was immediately stunned. When did someone else enter his cornucopia? Could it be that this guy made his cornucopia lose its effect?

​​One question after another rang in Jiang Chen's heart, so that she looked at it for a moment. The guy didn't know what to say, so he could only say:"Who are you?"

Actually, the person who fell out of the cornucopia was the weapon spirit. After receiving Jiang Chen's power, he realized that someone was calling him. At this moment, hearing Jiang Chen's scattered exclamations, the weapon spirit was confused. He tilted his head and didn't seem to understand what happened.

But he soon cleared his mind, looked at Jiang Chen and said:"I am the weapon spirit of this cornucopia, you called me out? Do you want to know those weird information? Jiang

Chen looked at the weapon spirit that jumped out of the cornucopia. He already believed what the other party said. At this moment, he became excited when he heard that the other party was actually able to answer what he wanted:"Can you really tell me those things?" matter?"

The weapon spirit nodded seriously,"Of course, of course, it just requires a small reward."

What do you need to pay for?"

Jiang Chen looked at the seemingly innocent weapon spirit and gradually felt a bad feeling in his heart,"What do you need?" As reward?"

"That is, I need a lot of treasures. As long as you put all the treasures into the cornucopia, then I can tell you everything you want!"When the weapon spirit thought about the many treasures that might appear, he smiled happily for a moment.

It turned out that the trap was here. Jiang Chen's mouth twitched slightly, as if he understood the meaning of the cornucopia. The most important thing was that he had to jump. Damn it, you know you need these things but you still can’t refuse them.

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