Xuanhuan: I Can View Files of Destiny!

Chapter 306 6 Visions Appeared Together And Defeated Again

"Touch! Touch..."

The chaotic green lotuses on Qin An's side were all crushed by the sky net above, and even the chaotic fog was completely wiped out.

"Pfft!" The vision was wiped out, and Qin An spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Humph! Six visions, open together!" At this moment, Qin An was a little angry, and he shouted loudly.

I saw that his whole body was surging with blood and blood, and five terrifying visions appeared all over his body: the immortal king approaching the nine heavens, the yin and yang life and death map, the chaotic green lotus, the splendid mountains and rivers, and the pilgrimage of the emperors.


With an earth-shattering roar, I saw that in the middle of the five great visions, a strange door suddenly opened, which was the last vision of the Holy Body, the Mysterious Gate of Heaven and Earth.

Six visions appeared together, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and rushed towards the golden net above.

Seeing this, Qin Li couldn't help showing an admiring smile on his lips.

This kid, although he has a bad temper, has done a pretty good job in developing his physical ability. The six visions have appeared together.

However, it is still a little short of his old-fashioned Innate Holy Body Dao tire.

Qin Li smiled faintly, increased the strength between his fingers, and wiped away all the visions below.


On the golden net, there was a terrifying power of devouring space, and golden runes of thunder were flashing. Every golden thread carried his powerful indestructible will and was indestructible.

All visionary attacks are like mud flowing into the sea, without any waves.

After a while, the six great visions were all wiped out.

"Pfft!" Qin An spat out a mouthful of blood again, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of shock.

Relying on the six visions of the Holy Body to fight against the enemy, he was not satisfied with all his attempts, and this was the first time he had encountered someone who could wipe them out so easily.

Seeing that the golden skynet was about to bind him, he immediately summoned his weapon.

This is a top-quality fairy treasure-level long sword, with a cold light shining on it, full of chilling aura.

However, the weapon was only summoned, and it had not yet begun to help Qin An resist.

With a "bang", Qin Li was so frightened by the domineering breath of the Heaven Swallowing Sword that he fell to the ground, and the long sword was still trembling on the ground.

At the same time, Qin An was firmly trapped by that big golden net.

He kept struggling, casting mana, trying to earn

Break this big net.

However, everything was in vain. Not only was he unable to break free, on the contrary, the more he struggled, the tighter the golden silk mesh interwoven with mana became.

"Haha, the father is mighty! Qin An, this kid, should teach him a good lesson. Otherwise, he really doesn't know how high the sky is, and he will suffer a big loss sooner or later!" Qin Yue watched with delight.

She has always been very worried about the stinky temper of her compatriot: the road ahead is very long, and it is impossible for everyone to obey him like the maids and eunuchs in the palace.

Yang Wuyao sighed a lot at this time: she usually looked at this child with a very filial and motivated look, but until today, she realized that she only saw Qin An's superficial image, ignoring his inner thoughts. pen fun library

In the distance, a group of eunuchs and palace ladies looked at the two people on the battlefield in disbelief.

"Hey, Xiaonu is not mistaken, how can your Majesty be so strong?" A palace maid named Xiaonu was full of horror.

"It's unbelievable, is it difficult, what kind of secret treasure did your Majesty use?" A eunuch still couldn't believe that Qin Li's cultivation would be so strong.

With just one finger, Qin An was defeated.

Qin Li looked at the stubborn child in front of him and chuckled, "Why, you still don't want to admit defeat?"

Qin An was a little guilty, but he was used to being arrogant and being complimented.

At this time, it was really unwilling for him to admit defeat to the person he didn't want to see the most, and he was very unconvinced. There were still many tricks to be used, and he was captured alive, which made him feel very aggrieved.

He snorted coldly: "Humph! It didn't count just now. If I hadn't kept my hand, how could I have been plotted against you? Would you dare to fight me again?"

Qin Yue immediately objected: "Qin An, why don't you have a face? The father just used only one finger to capture you alive. If this were on the battlefield, your head would have already fallen to the ground."

Qin An held his head high, without any sense of becoming a prisoner. He looked at Qin Li and provocatively said: "Why, you dare not? It seems that you have indeed cheated just now!"

Qin Li laughed and immediately released Qin An: "Haha, why don't I dare!"

As soon as Qin An was free, he immediately began to heal with luck.

After a while, adjust the physical state to the best state, a pair of eyes

He squinted at Qin Li with an arrogant look on his face.

"This time, I want a fair confrontation. You and I will be suppressed in the mortal fairyland. Moreover, no tricks are allowed, no only one finger is allowed. In addition, neither of us is allowed to use weapons."

Thinking that there are so many people watching in the palace, even if you lose the battle again, you can't let people know that he can't even beat the opponent with a single finger. In the future, where will the face go out?

Qin Li smiled slightly, "Okay, it's up to you!"

After Qin An heard the words, a sly smile appeared in his eyes immediately.

In the mortal fairyland, his foundation is extremely solid, and he is one of the few monks in the nine immortal realms who has cultivated to the extreme realm of the mortal fairyland.

In the past, when he was in the extreme realm of the mortal fairyland, he could leapfrog to challenge the late stage cultivator of the real fairyland, and he never lost.

Qin Lou bowed to Yang Wiyao, "There is Lao Mu!"

Seeing that the two had reached an agreement, Yang Wiyao immediately suppressed the duel stage where they were in the mortal fairyland.

Qin An instantly felt that his cultivation was down, but when he saw that the fluctuations in Qin Li's body were only in the fairyland, he immediately felt relieved.

"Okay!" Qin An reminded proudly, at the same time, he squeezed his fist into a fist and slammed it towards Qin Li.

He contained Yang Wuyao's Ice Phoenix bloodline in his body. As soon as this punch came out, the immortal energy around him was instantly evacuated, and a huge ice blue fist appeared in the void, with an extremely cold aura.

The astral wind in the air, like an ice blade, mixed with the fist mark and struck Qin Li.

There was a smile on Qin An's mouth: he wanted to see, how could Qin Li cheat this time? In the air, there is no trace of fairy spirit.

Qin Li still stood there, with a calm expression on his face, without evading in the slightest.

This time, he didn't use any magical powers, he raised his right hand directly and patted the huge handprint in front of him.


I saw a big golden palm, and in an instant, the ice blue fist mark was smashed, and even the surrounding wind blades were also smashed together.

Qin An flew out in an instant, smashed heavily on the barrier of the duel stage, and was knocked out by the anti-shock force.

Qin Li raised his palm lightly, and pressed Qin to the ground only with the qi emanating from his physical strength.

He chuckled: "This time, can you admit defeat?"

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