Great Yan Dynasty. Heavenly Sword Sect.

In a dilapidated house in the back hill, Li Ang suddenly opened his eyes.

Accompanied by a sharp pain as if to tear him apart, the cold hair stood on end.

Looked around.

It’s a tattered cottage.

A few wooden tables, old frescoes.

The decorative style is somewhat similar to the ancient ones seen on TV before.

“This… What’s going on? ”

Leon was a little confused because he was surprised to find out.

He unexpectedly… I can see everything around me clearly!!

You know, he was ten years old. There had been an accident that left him blind in both eyes over the years. He spent the whole time in the dark!!

Soon, Li Ang reacted!



The memories in his head told him!

This is a fantasy world!

There are thousands of races. Monster beasts are raging, and the mournful souls are wandering around, extremely dangerous!

There are also masters who condense their qi into swords and cut off the void. One sword can defeat a million troops!

And he!


He is the core disciple of the “Heavenly Sword Sect”, one of the three major sects of the Great Yan Dynasty!

Gifted and extraordinary!

It is even more of a top bloodline! Seldom appear!

Especially when Li Ang came from an ordinary background and joined the Heavenly Sword Sect. Just an ordinary outer sect disciple, to be able to achieve such an achievement, naturally even more dazzling!


Li Ang couldn’t help but sneer!

The smile is full of self-mockery!


Just half a year ago!

When Ye Sirou, the same sect master, broke through the Tongxuan Realm, she encountered a calamity. The flesh is almost destroyed!

Ye Sirou is the daughter of the Great Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Grew up with Li Ang since childhood, and was treated like a sister by Li Ang!

That time!

Ye Sirou whined.

In order to save Ye Sirou, Li Ang used his own bloodline to protect Ye Sirou.

made Ye Sirou reshape her body and soar into the sky. Break through the realm of Tongxuan!

On the way of cultivation, perception, body refining, and condensation of qi are the primary level. Once you enter the enlightenment, for the master!

It is for the entire Great Yan Dynasty, the peak powerhouse.

On that day, the Heavenly Sword Sect added another master-level powerhouse.

Hundred tribes come to congratulate!

The sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect announced on the spot that Ye Sirou had become the “sword girl” of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Brilliant, thousands of people look up!

And Leon!

Lost blood veins and fell asleep for a week. By the time he woke up, he had been expelled from the inner gate. Became an ordinary disciple!!

And his cultivation is even from the late stage of the Condensation Realm. Retreated to the middle of the Qi Refining Realm!

“The sect promised me. After saving Ye Sirou. With the Pill, I can restore my lost bloodline! ”

“They… Trick me! ”

“They even expelled me from the inner gate!”

Li Ang’s expression became more and more gloomy.

In this way, he has completely become a waste. has been completely abandoned by the sect!

However, what he did not expect was!

Ye Sirou, who used to be regarded by him as his own sister. Soar into the sky and become the contemporary sword woman of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

As a result, he was treated coldly!

After just dropping a few pairs of ordinary medicinal materials, he never came to see him again!

And Li Ang had occasionally learned before that Ye Sirou had been engaged to the young sect master of the Qingmen Sect, who was also one of the three major sects of the Great Yan Dynasty!

After that, the former senior brother, junior brother, countless people who have flattered him. They all jumped out!

It’s as if you’re being instructed by someone else!

Challenge him one by one!

Shoot at him for all sorts of reasons!

“Just the last few days. The Heavenly Sword Sect completely cut off my money! ”

“I was hungry and went to the front hall to steal some food!”


Just as Leon stole the food and was about to leave!

But he was arrested by Ye Sirou’s subordinate Zhao Hu!

After a beating!

Lying in bed and unable to sleep, a whining for life!

That’s why I crossed over!!

“Ridiculous! Lamentable! ”

“I have been kind all my life and kind to people. Not even an ant can bear to trample to death! ”

“As a result, it was deeply affected!!”

As a traverser, a lot of emotions. Leon is empathetic!

When he thought of this, Li Ang’s expression.

It’s extremely gloomy!

If that’s really the case!

Then his current situation is extremely dangerous!

The world.

Strength is respected!

Weak and kind!

In the end, it’s like an ant. Let others crush and step on!!

“Pass over, a waste! Do you have to wait for death? ”

This time!

Li Ang also sat up, and he must not sit still! Now he has obviously been completely abandoned by the Heavenly Sword Sect, and without the identity of a genius disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, he continues to stay here.

Damn it!!

The moment he sat up, the severe pain in his body hit like a wave!

So that Leon fell directly from the bed to the ground!

It’s just that at the same time!!

In front of his eyes, a light shone. It actually flashed in an instant!!

Finally, before his eyes. Form a transparent screen bar!

[Host (Li Ang): Male].

[Realm: Middle stage of the refining body realm (blood line defect, cultivation is rapidly passing)].

[Hidden message 1: Born with two bloodlines, with a hidden supreme bloodline. ] It’s just that it is hidden in the body because it was not discovered! 】

[Hidden message 2: The top bloodline disappears, and the cultivation is repeated for ten weeks. ] Can activate the Supreme Bloodline! 】

See this scene!

Leon, instantly dumbfounded!!


Is it finally here?

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