Heavenly Sword Sect.

The main hall of the inner gate is splendid.

The end of the extremely wide hall. A woman in a long white dress. His face is like a flower, and he holds a long white sword.

That temperament, like heavenly people.

Inside the hall, the light stretched the woman’s shadow for a long time.

The woman Jade was holding a sword.

It seems to be done in interest. Several swords swung in the air, which actually caused the void on the side of the hall to fluctuate suddenly.

The other guards of the Heavenly Sword Sect on both sides of the hall all lowered their eyebrows and looked jealous.

It’s sword intent!

“The Sword Woman Kendo Dacheng is a late stage from the Tongxuan Realm. Maybe not too far…” beside the ‘Sword Girl’. A female disciple of the same sect also sighed in a rather exclamatory tone.

And the woman in the white dress is a contemporary sword woman for the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Ye Sirou.

It is also one of the top Tianjiao in the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

“How’s the wedding going?” Ye Sirou slowly spoke.

The female entourage next to him smiled and said, “The young sect master of the Qingmen Sect has already made an invitation. The banquet was held for the hundred families of the Great Yan Dynasty, and a big banquet was held half a year later. The sword girl has excellent talent, and only the young sect master of the Qingmen can be worthy of the sword woman. ”

When Ye Sirou heard this, she smiled lightly.

After a moment, she seemed to remember something again, and asked again: “Is there any news from Li Ang recently?” ”

The female entourage shook her head: “Li Ang has already been expelled from the inner gate. It is said to be recuperating in a remote place at the outer gate… Now his blood is gone. Need a medullary pill to reactivate the bloodline…”

“That’s it.”

Ye Sirou waved her hand, her expression unchanged. Meimu looked at the sword in her hand from beginning to end, as if she didn’t care about Li Ang’s affairs.

said lightly, “Turning the Pill Six-Rank Golden Pill.” Extremely rare. My Heavenly Sword Sect only has one, and I need to use it when the time comes. How could it be used on him? ”

“I promised him to use the Zhuan Pill for him. It’s just to make him happy, my father is a great elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect. And he was just an ordinary disciple. That young sect master of Qingmen is my good match. ”

“Later, directly expel him from the Heavenly Sword Sect and leave him to fend for himself. If there is an objection, kill it. ”

Ye Sirou’s voice fell!

As a result, the expressions of all the guards in the hall also changed slightly!

Unexpectedly, this Ye Sirou was ruthless to this point!

You know, Li Ang sent the blood vein in order to save Ye Sirou’s life!


Now Ye Sirou has become a sword girl, and she is the most brilliant Heavenly Pride of the Heavenly Sword Sect. At a young age, she had entered the Tongxuan Realm, and even the elders in the entire Heavenly Sword Sect did not dare to offend her. Who else dares to speak for Li Ang at this time?

“Sword Girl!!”


Just the next moment!

With a few guards, they rushed into the main hall in a panic!

Shortness of breath!

Horrified expression!

It was as if I had seen something terrifying!

Ye Sirou asked directly, “What’s going on?” ”

The guard’s tone was a little trembling!

“Captain Zhao Hu… He’s dead!! ”

“Together with his men!! All decapitated!! ”

“None of them survived!!”

“I’ve already had the body carry back, just outside!”

Hearing the guard’s words, Ye Sirou almost did not hesitate. Step like a fly, directly to the outside of the main hall.


On the square outside the main hall, one corpse after another, as well as the head. It’s being placed there!

Especially Zhao Hu’s head!

On his expression, there was also a deep fear condensed. It was as if I had experienced something extremely frightening before I died!


Countless onlookers could only feel a coldness!!

After all, this scene is too shocking!!

“The body was found in the courtyard where Li Ang cultivated…” said the guard.

“What about Leon?” Ye Sirou asked.


I don’t know how long it has been!

Ye Sirou finally spoke!

“At all costs. Find him! ”

“At the same time, issue a blood killing order! Hunt down Leon! As long as someone can carry his head to my Heavenly Sword Sect, my Heavenly Sword Sect will reward the position of elder!” Million Spirit Stones! ”

Zhao Hu’s life and death are for Ye Sirou. Not worth mentioning in the slightest!

It’s just that Zhao Hu, as Ye Sirou’s subordinate, is now such a tragic death!

It makes Ye Sirou’s face dull!

Judging from those corpses, Zhao Hu and others!

All of them are instantly killed by one blow. There is not the slightest ability to fight back!

You know, Zhao Hu is the captain of the inner gate guard. Qi Condensation Realm cultivation, even before Li Ang was injured, he couldn’t wipe it out so sharply!

Ye Sirou’s gaze became deeper and deeper, and it was gloomy!

“Senior Brother Li Ang… Could it be that this period of time… You’ve been acting with me? ”

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