“First kill.”

“Second kill.”

Li Ang snapped his fingers and killed the two Outer Sect elders.

The expression did not make the slightest wave.

Keep going step by step and move forward!

“Lee… Leon!! ”

In the courtyard of the outer sect, countless disciples, elders, and guards.

How can it be strange to Li Ang?

Once a core disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

With top blood!

Even, you are eligible to become a sword!!


Later, as Li Ang’s bloodline disappeared, he became a waste.

At the beginning of the period, everyone treated Leon. And extremely friendly.

However, everyone later learned. The top level of the Heavenly Sword Sect has already given up on Li Ang!

After that!

Everyone, treat Leon.

It’s all cold eyes and sarcasm. Jeer!!



The whole courtyard was extremely silent.

Yes, it’s just the sound of blood dripping!

And, the two elders. Tumbling heads!

This scene is extremely explosive!


“Not good!!”


Li Ang’s gaze just looked coldly at the group of people in front of him.

He can even name those people!

“Li San, when you joined the sect. But a named disciple, because of stealing martial arts. Being punished by the elders, it was my intercession that saved you! ”

“Zhao Kai. You were seriously injured back then, and you were a disciple of the outer sect. Originally, I was not qualified to use the Neizong Pill, it was me. Bring it to you! ”

“Zhang Si! When you were out on a mission, you were besieged and killed. It was I, the first to lead the others, who saved you!! ”

“Wang Qiang…”

“Zhou Kai…”

Li Angzheng spoke coldly, almost every elder’s name, he could say.

Everyone, he does not say that grace is as heavy as a mountain.

But they have also done everything that a fellow senior brother should do!!

Countless people, with embarrassed expressions!


“And what about you?”

“Grace will take revenge!”

“After I was down. Not a single person came out to help me! ”

“I was banished to the Outer Sect! Elders and disciples of the Outer Sect. Didn’t give me a place to stay! ”

“Let me go live in a small mud hut!”

“Even… Don’t even give me food!! Leave me to fend for myself! ”

“You guys… How can you not die? ”

Finish talking.

Leon. It is in the midst of countless eyes.

Wave again!


A golden light came from the gourd on Li Ang’s waist again. Burst out!

Golden light together.

In an instant, it turned into a golden long rainbow in front of Li Ang. Fast flash!

Almost blink time.

I saw it in front of Li Ang. One figure after another, the body stiff. Above the neck, a line of blood appeared.

That blood line is getting bigger and bigger!


Suddenly, a fountain of blood gushed into the sky!

Head by head, as if an appointment had been made. One after another shedding!

“You… How dare you!! ”

Several elders, terrified!!

It’s just that I just spoke. They just feel it, neck.

Some moist.

One touch!

It turned out to be blood!!

Damn it!!

Then, those few people. Along with the others in the entire courtyard who had planned to escape, they were all terrified.

There are even a couple of people who pee their pants.

All stopped, as if time had stopped.


At this time, Li Ang drank lightly.


The golden sword energy in mid-air is to return to the sword cultivation!


Head by head!


Ding Ding fell to the ground!




Three hundred!!

Blood flying!!

“Three hundred and one kills.”

“Three hundred and second kill.”

With the last person, the head landed.

The entire Outer Sect was instantly silent!

One sword!

Three hundred and two core elders and disciples of the Heaven-killing Sword Sect!

Rivers of blood!

Neizong compound.

Singing and laughing!

All of them here are the core disciples of the entire Heavenly Sword Sect. Elder!

In front of a wine table.

Several elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect sat around.

“I heard… Recently, we have produced a Li Immortal in the East Wilderness! An enchanting woman suddenly said.

“That’s right!” At the mention of this name, some other inner sect disciples around were also interested.

“That Li Immortal. It is said that in the secret realm, kill the three super dynasties Tianjiao first! Then slash the two major Heavenly Yang Mirror Grandmasters of the Shenghui Dynasty, and finally step on thunder and leave, the posture of an immortal! ”

“That Shenghui Dynasty, there are no two Tianyang Mirrors. Now it has also become a medium dynasty… It is said that the previous enemies came to the door. Today’s Shenghui Dynasty has become a land of killing, and it is impossible to live in peace…”

“It’s horrible… Li Xianren is such a heavenly arrogance. The surrounding dynasties are well known…”

At this time, another elder laughed.

“The four protectors sent back news two days ago. Said to have found Leon’s waste… Hey. Miss Sirou wants Li Ang to die so much, this time Li Ang is afraid that it will be difficult…”

“Hehe, I don’t know who can catch him. It is said that his head is worth a million spirit stones! ”

That elder is the elder of the inner sect.

It’s called Bai Tao!

At that time, he was also a member of the old sect master. It’s just that later, with the death of the old sect master, he followed the Great Elder!


At this moment, the gate of the inner sect.

Twice rang.

“Fuck, who?”

Elder Baitao who is closest to him. Grinned and cursed.

Open the door.

Completely stupid!!

“You… You are?? ”

Leon said, “I’m Leon, you should recognize me.”

“Me too, Li Immortal in your mouth!”

Li Ang’s voice fell.

Snap your fingers!

Finger, lightly tap on Elder Bai Tao’s head.


Elder Bai Tao. The entire skull burst open in an instant.

The body bounced out tens of meters and turned into a bullet of meat sauce. Absolutely angry on the spot!!

Full field.


(The second is more to ask for flowers and evaluation votes.) Five more today, three more!! )

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