A sword.

Slaughter the inner sect full of doors!

Li Ang put away his sword and just wanted to leave.

I saw it under the table not far away.



Something seemed to be coming from there.

With a smell of urine!

Then came the meeting, Elder Namaquin. He was kneeling on the ground, trembling!

Seeing Li Ang find him, Ma Kun’s voice was extremely trembling!

“Spare your life!!!”

“Master Li… Spare your life! It’s the Heavenly Sword Sect that is sorry for you!!! ”

“You were abused before… It has nothing to do with me!! ”

At this time, Li Ang found out. Under the table, Elder Namaquin. His body trembled and he knelt down!

He. Completely frightened!!!

Just for a second, slaughter the three hundred elder disciples of the Inner Sect!

This… It’s the devil!!

Harvesting life in a frenzy!

Li Ang nodded: “Indeed.” The person who abused me back then did not have you. ”

Hear Leon’s words!

Elder Ma Kun was ecstatic and even thought he was saved!


Leon’s next words made him. Desperate.

I only heard Li Ang say lightly: “It’s just that when I was expelled from the Inner Sect, it was you who advocated it.” Death is inevitable. ”

“What???” Ma Kun was completely dumbfounded.

Look at Leon!!

Li Ang at the moment, indifferent. Take it easy!

No shadow of the past can be seen at all!!

His legs trembled and he kowtowed violently!!

And at the moment when he kowtowed.

His head was never raised again.

Instantly shed….

Heavenly Sword Sect.

Main Temple.

The wedding banquet has been held until the early hours of the morning.

However, there is still no intention of stopping!

On the contrary, the atmosphere is getting more and more enthusiastic.

In the main hall.

Qingmen Sect Young Sect Master Qing Qianjie, and Ye Sirou.

became the focus of the crowd.

Ye Sirou wore a green skirt. With his already superb appearance, and after being slightly drunk, his pretty face was slightly red.

That kind of style, even more charming.

And the green is absolutely impossible.

It was a white robe with a long sword on his back. It is an eight-rank spiritual treasure, which is the inheritance of his Qingmen Sect. Carry it with you, young and handsome, and also a handsome party.

And on both sides.

It is the sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Xu Tianlei!

Great Elder of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Ye Jiuzhou!

As well as the contemporary sect master of the Qingmen Sect, Qingxuanzi!

It can be said that these few people are present.

All of them are the top existence of the entire Great Yan Dynasty!

“Sect Master Xu. I don’t know if you have heard of Li Xianren, who is famous these days? “Heavenly Sword Sect Master Xu Tianlei, above the banquet, drink and talk freely.

“Of course I’ve heard of it. It’s just that such Tianjiao is still too far away from us…” Qing Xuanzi said.

Rumor has it that Li Xianren.

Spit thunder and lightning in the mouth, which can kill the strong of the God Sea Realm.

With a sword light in your hand, you can slash the Great Grandmaster of the Sky Yang Mirror.

The true prestige spreads all over the world!

Hearing ‘Li Immortal’, even Ye Sirou on the side. It’s all a slight change in the beautiful eyes.

After all, this level of Tianjiao. Who wouldn’t want to know more?

‘I heard about that Li Immortal. People who are not holy places, young age. The cultivation of the Divine Sea Realm Grandmaster was actually able to kill the Tianyang Grand Grandmaster. ’

‘Compared to him. I’m an inconspicuous dynasty swordswoman, what’s the deal? ’

Ye Sirou yearned. After all, how brilliant will that kind of Tianjiao be in the future?

It’s just that she knows it.

That brilliance will be extremely far away from her.

“By the way, Sirou, I heard that you have a brother. It has been good to you since childhood, and it is still a life-saving grace for you? ”

Just as Ye Sirou was thinking, Qing Qianjie beside her. Also suddenly asked.

Ye Sirou sneered and said, “It’s all rumors. It’s just that I got closer when I was a child. I am different from him, and when I get older, I naturally become estranged. How it is now, I don’t know. ”

In Ye Sirou’s heart, it was the Tao.

‘I guess he’s dead now?’ ’

‘After all, I sent four protectors and eight commanders. As well as the ten bloodmen, he will inevitably die! ’

‘Saved my life? I think… It’s just a toad that wants to eat swan meat…’

Right at this time.

The door of the main hall. Suddenly it was knocked.



Then came an indifferent voice.

“Li Ang, there is a big gift!!”


There is a big gift!!

Hear the name!

The entire hall was in an uproar!

“Leon?? That crap? ”

“He… Didn’t he die in the back mountains? ”

“He… How did it come back?? ”

The audience was shocked!!

There is a lot of talk!!

Ye Sirou, on the other hand, instantly became gloomy!!

This… How can it be??

She sent so many strong people to intercept Li Ang!

Leon.. How is it possible to live??

“Hmph, this outcast. My Heavenly Sword Sect doesn’t welcome him, so he dares to come back? At this moment, Xu Tianlei, the Heavenly Sword Sect Master, also had a cold expression.

On such an important day now, countless sects of the Great Yan Dynasty gathered here.

Wouldn’t he lose his face when he came back as a waste disciple?

“Since he came with gifts, let him in.” Tell him to get out of here as soon as he has handed over the gift. Xu Tianlei said lightly.


The door of the basilica was opened.

A figure, a green shirt.

A small golden gourd hangs from his waist.

Step by step, walked in.

Li Ang’s expression was indifferent. Take it easy.

“Leon… You… It’s okay?? Ye Sirou looked at Li Ang in disbelief, her voice was a little trembling.

I don’t know why.

She suddenly felt it.

This Leon… Something is wrong!!

Very strange!!

Li Ang ignored Ye Sirou.

Just throw the ring in your hand and throw it out directly.

He said: “Congratulations here, please take a look at the sect master.” ”

Finish talking.

The ring, in mid-air. Suddenly there was a flicker!

And then!!




One bloody head after another. From that ring, it fell off.





Seeing those scarlet heads, the audience screamed in horror.

And that day the sword sect master, Xu Tianlei. But it’s completely stupid.

Expression. It’s all twisted!!

“Great Protector Sun Kai!!”

“Grand Commander Li Miao!!”

“That’s… Two Commanders… CHEN Yan??? ”

One head with another.

All of them are the four protectors of the Heavenly Sword Sect!!

Eight Commanders!!

Top 10 Bloodmen!!

And, the heads of countless elite disciples!!

“My Four Protectors!!”

“My Eight Commanders!!!

Xu Tianjie’s eyes. It turned out to be because of anger, blood and tears flowed!!


Lose your marbles!!

He… Totally crazy!!

These people… But it is all his Heavenly Sword Sect, the most core strength!!

It was cultivated by him over the years after spending countless resources!!

Now, they are all dead!!

For the entire Heavenly Sword Sect, it was simply …

Devastating blow!!

“Are you satisfied with my great gift?”

Li Ang’s voice was indifferent.

Word spread throughout the audience.

The whole hall fell eerily silent!!

(Nearly 2500 words!) Fourth more!! And one more!! )

(kneel for flowers, review votes!!! For the sake of the author’s diligent update, all kinds of data are smashed over!! )

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