Taikoo Battlefield.

Somewhere in the valley.

A young man, a green shirt.

This is the moment.

The young man, sitting cross-legged in the void.

Around, countless auras fluctuate and flow.

It was Leon.

At this moment, one by one, immortal qi. From Na Liang’s side, it constantly flowed towards the void, like a golden river, incomparably brilliant.

Rhubarb, on the other hand, is guarding the outside of the valley!

This valley is extremely quiet and remote, and few people set foot on it.

Almost a week ago, occasionally a demon beast felt the aura fluctuations here. Intend to enter the valley.


Since a Divine Sea Realm peak-level demon beast was directly torn apart by Big Yellow. At this point, there are no more demon beasts that dare to set foot in this valley.

‘The host should be for this day or two. You can break through to the Skyyang Mirror…’

‘It’s really a terrifying talent, although I have seen countless contemporary powerhouses in my previous life. One by one, enough to sweep one side. ’

It’s just that someone as talented as the master has never seen it! ’

‘Especially the character of the owner. Kill if you say kill, brutal to the extreme! ’

Rhubarb lazily lying on a rock basking in the sun!


It is also somewhat distressing.

Before Li Ang killed the giant python in the sky, the essence blood obtained. All devoured by it.


Although Big Yellow feels his strength, he has improved. It’s just a few days later, but there is no sign of evolution!

‘Damn, yes. In my life, I will have to accompany the body of this big yellow chicken? ’


Just when Rhubarb, thinking.

Deep in the valley, an aura fluctuated. Resounding from heaven and earth!

‘The master succeeded? ’



Deep in that valley.

Li Ang’s body was surrounded by golden light.

His eyes are like gilt moldings.

One by one, the golden gas turned into a golden river. It was as if it was about to fly into the sky and become the sun.

It’s for the Qi of the Sky Sun!

‘Phew. ’


Li Ang finally slowly opened his eyes.

He shook his fist.

The power in the body is now more powerful than before. There has been a huge change!

“Skyyang mirror.”

After refining those gold-striped red yang fruits. Now Li Ang has finally broken through to the Skyyang Mirror.

“Let’s go rhubarb. The core area should have been opened. ”

Leon finished speaking.

It is to directly step on the void and turn into a stream of light.

Fly fast towards the core area!

Core area.

For the entire Taikoo War Community, the most central location.

Li Ang and Rhubarb rushed after a day. Finally, we came to the gate of the core area.

It was a huge stone gate that was extremely old.

The whole stone gate is full of thousands of zhang. Crisscrossed by clouds.

It’s like a gate to wonderland.

And at that door, there is a huge teleportation formation!

To step in, you need a token. Has a thousand holy qi.

Among them, Li Ang also found some people. Because he didn’t have enough holy qi, he wanted to fish along the water and pass through the gate.

However, the final result is also extremely tragic.

Directly thrown out by a force in the gate.


Li Ang’s figure moved, and he flew directly into the gate quickly!

The moment Li Ang stepped into the core area.

in front of him.

Peak after mountain. Hidden in the clouds, looking far away. It’s like a fairyland.

There are hundreds of those peaks.

It also represents this time in the Taikoo War World, the top one hundred Tianjiao.

There are more than 100,000 Tianjiao participating in the ranking battle.

Those who can finally go to the core area and achieve the ranking are all Tianjiao among Tianjiao.

Among them, the top hundred.

You can choose a holy place to worship.

Top ten.

If you enter any holy place, you can directly become a personal disciple!

And as for the first place.

Top of the charts!!

Will directly step into the Holy Land and become the new Holy Son of a great Holy Land!

As soon as you enter the Holy Land, you will be the Son!!

Thousands of worship!

That kind of brilliance is enough to be proud of the entire Eastern Wilderness. Throughout the top of the rankings over the years, after stepping into the Holy Land, all of them are soaring!

The opening of the sign, thousands of years of transmission!

Step through the door.

Heaven and earth are silent.

It is a quaint stone path, which is a hundred feet wide.

It’s just that around.

But there was not a single figure.

Leon walked on it indifferently.

At this time, he suddenly spoke: “Big Rhubarb, are you ready?” ”

Big Yellow was confused: “Master, what to prepare?” ”

Li Ang said indifferently: “Kill! ”

Right in Leon.

The moment the voice fell.

The entire core area, surrounded by countless peaks.

One by one, a figure emerged!!

All of them are Sky Sun Mirror powerhouses!



Three hundred!!

“Prince of the DJI Dynasty. Jiang Zhentian, understand Your Excellency’s magical magic! Please enlighten! ”

“Prince of the Barren Dynasty, Chen Zhao, please enlighten!”

“The prince of the Ten Thousand Dragon Dynasty, Long Luo. Please enlighten!! ”

“Please enlighten!!”

“Please enlighten!!”

One voice after another sounded.

Resounding all over the world!!

Make the whole audience explode in an instant!

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