Swire War.

Core area!!

One by one, come to intercept Li Ang’s Tianyang Mirror Tianjiao!!

It turned out to be in the power of that undead bird!

Disappear directly in place!!




Even… Even the screams never broke out!!

All that remains is a puff of blue smoke!

It’s as if these people have never appeared in the world!!

And rhubarb!!

It’s super exciting!!

This exhilarating killing pleasure!

It’s even been almost forgotten!

This feeling of endless power in the body seems to be endless!

It has been… I haven’t felt it for a long time!!

‘It was the host who gave me a new life!’ ’

‘It’s the master, let me evolve into a divine beast!’ ’

Rhubarb at this moment, extremely excited!!

Once it was, the qualifications were mediocre. Relying on thousands of years of penance!

Only then did he become a Saint Realm powerhouse!

It’s just that that’s the end of its cultivation!

And now!

It has completely evolved into a divine beast!!

It also means that it will be in the future!

Will break through the holy realm and reach a new realm!



Big Yellow’s gaze became extremely cold!

“Since you guys… Hurt my master! ”

“Then I will you… Kill them all! ”


Rhubarb is directly flaming its flaming wings!

Control Wandu Blaze!!

Sweeping towards those sky-sun mirrors around!!



“No !!!”


Brushless screams erupted!

I saw those people, one after another!!

Above the body, there is a flame!

In the blink of an eye, it was directly burned into a pinch of blue smoke!

Even the residue is not the slightest bit left!!


Only the remaining group of people could only feel a tingling in their scalps!!

Watching one big living person after another evaporate directly out of thin air in front of his eyes!

Such a scene is simply explosive!

Brush brush brush!!


Only a few dozen people left were kneeling directly in front of Li Ang!!

Crazy kowtow!!


“The power of Li Immortal… We saw it!! ”

“And ask the immortals to atone for their sins!!”

“Immortal atonement!!”


It’s just that

At those few people, the moment the words just fell!

“Prince Lin Tao… Your waist !!! ”

The man named Lin Tao bowed his head!!

It’s discovery!

His body, I don’t know when, was already burning with a flame!!


“Don’t kill me!”


His voice stopped abruptly. I saw that the flame burned faster and faster, finally. That Lin Tao was actually burned to ashes!

Not only him!!

Those who remained came to intercept Li Ang’s Sky Sun Mirror this time. Everyone’s body is burning with a flame!!


Burn them one by one to ashes.

One person, one bird!

Slaughter the Twenty Great Dynasties Tianjiao!!

Those people, before they die.

Above the expression, there is a deep fear condensed!!

Looking at Leon, and the gaze of the undead bird….

Like the devil!

Heaven and earth are silent!!

The entire core area, those countless onlookers before. Looking at Li Ang’s figure.

and the burning undead bird beside Leon.

I can only feel a cold coldness….


Get one’s dander up!!

“This… One person and one bird!! ”

“Actually… He slaughtered the Tianjiao of more than twenty dynasties!! ”

“This… Li Xianren… It’s invincible!! ”

“It seems that there are only strong people like Bai Nantian. to be able to fight him…”

One after another, the earth-shattering discussions continued to spread.

And after Shuang frantically slaughtered hundreds of Tianyang Mirror Tianjiao, he actually felt a wave of sleepiness and finally. Fell asleep directly in front of Li Ang.

Leon noticed this. His gaze swept over Rhubarb.

[Divine Beast: Eternal Immortal Bird! ] 】

[Hidden information: Primary form, need to constantly devour essence and blood to grow, equivalent to human virtual god realm cultivation! ] 】

It seems that it should be because of the recent evolution and need to rest for a while.” ’

Li Ang thought about it and snapped his fingers.

Rhubarb was directly turned into a golden light and was directly collected into the ring by Li Ang.

“Have a good rest.” Leon said.

‘Next… It is to kill Bai Nantian and make the East Wilderness proud. I’ve seen my Leon’s means…’

(Flowers, review votes!!) )

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