“Is this the top of this ranking?”

“Not Bai Nantian?”

Xuantian Holy Lord. Under the scarf, the only pair of eyes that were exposed were as faint as autumn water.

The tone was indifferent and fluttering like a fairy.

“I’ve seen the Xuantian Holy Lord.”

“Bai Nantian sent people to surround and kill me, and immediately killed him. The head was sunk by the disciples to the bottom of the Taikoo War Realm. ”

Leon said.

Xuantian Saint Lord smiled: “Interesting. ”

“You can’t cultivate to Tianyang. There are indeed means to kill Bai Nantian. ”

“Let’s go, follow me to the Holy Tower.”

Xuantian Holy Lord finished speaking. The long skirt fluttered, and one step was to step directly out of the main hall and leap forward. Walking among the clouds of the mountain peaks, at its feet, there is a hidden golden crow rising.

Li Ang turned around, looked at Li Chanxuan on the side and asked, “Saint Pagoda, what is it?” ”

Li Chanxuan said, “Everyone who gets the Holy Son Seal. They must go to the Holy Pagoda, and if they can pass the test, they can be considered the true Son. ”

After speaking, Li Ang and Li Chanxuan were two. It was to follow the Xuantian Holy Lord all the way.

Santa Pagoda.

It is located on a lonely peak in the core of the Xuantian Holy Land.

There is an old tall stone tower that stands under the clouds. Nebulae pervade.


Countless holy land Tianjiao have already gathered!

“The new Son is going to ascend the tower!”

“I don’t know if he can succeed…”

“In the Xuantian Holy Land before, there were also some top Tianjiao. After working hard for many years, he finally got the seal of the Holy Son. ”

“It’s just… They all fell on the step of the Holy Tower…”

The Holy Tower has existed for a hundred years, almost every Holy Son. They all walked out of this holy tower, and only by passing the test of the holy tower can they truly become holy sons!

Of course.

There are also many people who have seen countless chief disciples and core disciples.

Through his own efforts, he obtained the seal of the Son. One step away from the Son.

Merely… But it was defeated in this final step!!

“This holy tower is divided into twelve floors.”

“After you enter the Holy Tower, as long as you can break through the sixth floor. He will be the tenth holy son, if he can break through the fifth floor. Keep your Son seal, and within a year, give you another chance. ”

“If you can break through the fourth layer, keep you as a core disciple. Three layers, inner sect disciples. ”

The Xuantian Saint Lord paused and continued, “If you can only break through one or two floors. It means that you have no connection with the Xuantian Holy Land and cannot understand the mystery of your ancestors, so you are staying here. It’s also hard to get into the avenue…”

Leon looked up.

Glancing at the holy tower, he immediately asked, “Then I don’t know the holy lord, the holy sons before.” How many floors have you crossed? ”

“Li Chanxuan beside you. When I first reached the tenth floor, it was already the highest in history. “Xuantian Saint Lord.

The voice fell.

Li Chanxuan on the side also raised the corners of her mouth slightly. It seems to be a little smug.

“So what if I can get to the very top?” Leon asked.

‘Top? ’

Hearing Li Ang’s words, Li Chanxuan on the side.

It is also a cluster of beautiful eyebrows.

There were still some good impressions of Li Ang before, but they disappeared a lot in an instant.

Topmost level?

Over the years, the new Son usually had to break into the tower three or even four times.

to be successful.

If Leon can climb the tower for the first time, he will be able to step on the sixth floor. That kind of talent is already extremely amazing.

Unexpectedly, Li Ang was in front of the Xuantian Holy Lord. As soon as you open your mouth, you will go straight to the top.

Li Chanxuan secretly shook her head.

‘It’s a bit of a talent, but… Too proud. It’s not a good thing..’

Xuantian Holy Lord obviously didn’t expect Li Ang to ask such a question. Then he said, “If you reach the top, I will give you a copy of the Holy Rank Exercises.” I heard that you are a master of kendo? I have practiced that exercise for many years, and it will be of great help to your kendo. ”

Holy Rank Exercises?

The voice fell.

Countless disciples in the audience. Even Li Chanxuan flashed a yearning in her expression.

For things of this level, only a new son of God is born.

Xuantian Holy Lord, will be rewarded!

It’s just that everyone knows it.

Leon broke into the tower for the first time and wanted to climb to the top. Not a slim chance.

But… It’s simply impossible!!

“Then the disciple entered the tower.”

After Li Ang finished speaking, he was in the eyes of countless people in the audience. Step by step, walk towards the tower.

Leave countless gazes.

Just like inside the tower.

The originally pitch-black tower.


It turned out to be a river of stars.

At Leon’s feet, not the ground. It’s a piece of stars!

And at the same time.

A huge coercion also came towards him to suppress it.

It’s just the first layer, and it’s still hard for me. ’

‘Go! ’

Leon finished speaking!

As soon as the figure moves, it turns into a stream of light. Fly straight up!

Go to the next level.

The picture in front of me has changed again.

Turned into a hell!

Around, a monstrous sea of blood.

Blood Corpse Walk.

Thousands of bloody corpses crawled out of hell. Rush towards him.


Li Ang didn’t pay attention to it at all and slapped his waist directly.

In the middle of raising the sword, a golden light shot out.

It is to directly cut off the heads of thousands of bloody corpses!


Third layer.

Fourth layer.

This is all the case, but the scene has changed. Sometimes, you get into a labyrinth.

In the end, relying on the perception of Li Ang’s supreme bloodline, he also easily broke through.

And outside!

Countless people, right now.

Look at that Santa Pagoda.

The light on the first floor is on.

Then, the second layer!

Third floor!

Fourth floor!

Fifth floor!

Almost for a moment. Five floors in a row are lit!!


Countless disciples in the audience were suddenly a little confused!!

“In less than half an hour, you directly ascended to the fifth floor??”


At the moment when his voice just fell.

The lights on the sixth floor were also lit.

This time.

Even that Xuantian Holy Lord, expression. It’s all changed slightly…

(2000 words. Don’t think I’m slow, after it is on the shelf, it will explode more!! )

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