“Please also ask the Holy Son of Leon…”

“Let’s help.”

Bai Qingyi’s expression was a little embarrassed.

Now she is trapped in this blood cube. The aura in the body could not be exerted at all.

If this continues, I’m afraid her aura will be sucked dry!

Leon heard this.

At this time, he directly held the green sword.

One sword to cut out!


One sword out.

Suddenly turned into a cyan long rainbow, flickering one after another, all of which were slightly fluctuating terrifying aura.

It directly bombarded the blood-colored cube that locked up the white light clothes.


Just a sword. The powerful sword intent is to directly smash the blood-colored cube,

Turn into a sky full of blood mist!


At this time, Bai Qingyi coughed lightly a few times.

Out of that blood mist.

‘Hmph. ’


The white light clothes are also pretty and cold.

“Harmful things, I will make you mess up!”

Finish talking.

A flick of the jade hand is just a snap of the fingers.

It turned out to be directly turned into a rainbow of light and blasted towards the front!


A loud bang was heard, within a radius of a hundred miles.



In front of that white light clothes, there is a hundred miles of territory. It turned out to be directly razed to the ground by her.

So that some demon beasts that originally lived in this small world wailed and fled in all directions.

Some demon beasts that have reached the level of the Sky Sun Mirror are unlucky.

It turned out to be under the power of the finger of that white light clothes, and it directly exploded into blood mist.

“Are you venting?” Leon asked.

Bai Qingyi turned his gaze. Glanced at Leon.

The expression was somewhat uncomfortable.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and said, “Thank you.” ”

Li Ang waved his hand: “Since you and I don’t trust each other.” Then let’s act separately, what kind of creation can be achieved. It’s all on your own. ”

Leon finished speaking!

The spin turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky.

The goal he is moving forward.

It is this heaven and earth, where the most intense thunder and lightning converge!

You know, he majored in the lightning method.

If this space really exists a secret treasure about thunder and lightning.

The improvement of his strength will be extremely huge!

White light clothes.

Hold a sword.

Gently raised his head and stared at Li Ang’s distant back with beautiful eyes.



‘Trust… It’s actually precious. ’

A few days.

In the blink of an eye.

Over a small world.

A stream of light, flickering like a comet.

Extremely fast.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a figure.

It was Leon.

Leon at the moment. There is no concept of time for a long time,

There is only one thing he does.

That is to feel that with the power of countless thunder and lightning between heaven and earth, with their own directness, all the way forward!


Fly somewhere.

Li Ang felt something.

It seems to have sensed the change in the power of lightning in this space.

At the moment, Li Ang’s expression also showed a touch of excitement!

‘Found it!’ ’

Leon before.

Although he is also sensing the power of this lightning bolt, trying to find it.


The power of thunder and lightning in this small world is too huge.

Just like a person. It’s like you’re in a thick fog!




He finally seemed to break out of the dense fog and noticed the subtle changes in the power of thunder and lightning between heaven and earth. All changes are guiding in one direction!

At the end of Leon’s line of sight.

Among countless ruins and buildings.

There is a bronze door. Stand proudly.

Oddly enough.

Obviously surrounded by ruins. Sand.

Because it has been left unattended for too many years, weeds are rampant.

Only in front of the bronze door, there is this passage.

The whole passage is very clean!

Next to the bronze gate, there is a big tree in the sky.

Shaded days.

Under a big tree.

A stone chair.

There was an old man in a green robe, sitting quietly on it.

The old man had a kind face and held a long staff.

Around that long staff, there was a surge of thunder and lightning power…

“Latecomers. It’s not easy to find here…”

The old man glanced at Li Ang faintly.


At a glance, piercing!!

At this moment, Li Ang’s whole body seemed to be frozen.

I can’t move at all!!

‘This… Emperor Realm strong?? ’

‘His breath… Very ethereal. It is estimated that it is only a remnant soul…’

‘The remnant soul of the strong man of the Emperor Realm… It’s all so terrifying! ’

Li Ang sighed in his heart!

He had come into contact with many reincarnations of female emperors and queens.


At this moment, what was in front of him was a real emperor realm powerhouse.

Although, it’s just a remnant of breath…

The old man’s gaze looked at Li Ang.

A few moments later!

The old man’s expression actually showed a look of surprise.

“Supreme bloodline?”

“I’ve been in the wilderness for ten thousand years… Don’t say it’s a god… It is the Heavenly Emperor, and it has never been born! ”

“How can there be a supreme bloodline?”

The old man looked at Li Ang: “Junior, could it be that you are the person from the too virtual immortal world?” ”

“Too Void Immortal Realm?”

Li Ang looked puzzled. I shook my head.

“The junior is the East Wilderness, the people of the Great Yan Dynasty.”

The old man nodded, thoughtfully.

“Yes too… Too Void Immortal World. Only once in a thousand years will it be opened…”

“There will be no Immortal Divine Venerable at all. Stay in a place like the East Wilderness…”

The old man finished.

It was a wave of the old arm, and then said lightly: “The method you cultivate is also thunder and lightning.” It is considered a fate with me, and it is even more of a supreme bloodline…”

“That’s it. The inheritor I have been waiting for for thousands of years is you. ”

The voice fell.

The bronze door behind the old man. It turned out to be slowly opened…

“This is…”

Leon looked at the bronze door. Face full of doubt.

The old man smiled and said, “When I fell, I put a part of my heaven and earth treasures. It is stored in the depths of this ancient continent, and one day, there will be latecomers who will get this wealth that I left to the juniors in the Eastern Wilderness. ”

“And then. I condensed my lifelong method ‘Immortal Thunder Immortal Life’ into a Dharma seal. Stored in this bronze door. I turned into a remnant soul, guarding here for a thousand years, waiting for someone who is destined… In fact, this is my true heritage. ”

Li Ang also asked again at the moment: “That, senior.” ”

“Back then… What the hell is going on? If you are here, you will fall. Even your own people can’t protect them? ”

“In this ancient continent, countless people died tragically. Buried underground. ”

“Even… There are also people, made into corpse puppets, tortured for thousands of years! ”

Hear Leon’s words.

The old man’s expression flashed with sadness.


The Great Emperor was furious, and thousands of miles were frozen!


Starting with Leon’s feet, the whole small world. It’s all frozen suddenly.

Before the world of birds and flowers, in the blink of an eye.

It’s like a glacial world.

“Back then, I became an emperor realm. Got acquainted with a fairy…”

“That fairy. For the people of the Void Immortal World…”

“She’s wonderful… Moving. Like a fairy! There should be no such person on earth! ”

“It’s just… When you finally ascend to the immortal world. Instead, she chose another great emperor in Zhongzhou and soared to the immortal world. ”

“Back then… I thought she had a hard heart! ”

“For love. I forcibly broke into the fairy gate… Ultimately. But he was hit hard by the people of the immortal world. ”

“That’s when I knew… I was in her eyes. But it’s just ants, the Great Emperor of the Nether. In the eyes of the immortal people, they are just ants…”

“I broke into the Immortal Gate by force. Crusaded … My clan overnight… Gone!! ”

The old man smiled bitterly.

Seeing his own avenue, there are already descendants.

It seems to be relieved.

That kind of body is actually beginning to become transparent!

“My great name.”

“Blue Thunder Emperor!”

“To you. Don’t dishonor my name…”

“That’s it… It’s not my time…”


The figure of the old man turned into a little light powder and completely dissipated.

Yes, it is just a loneliness that spans thousands of years.

(It’s not that I’m slow to update, it’s really brain-intensive to conceive the plot.) Please don’t give up reading, I try to write a little new plot, instead of constantly repeating routines. )

(Of course, there will be more in a moment.) )

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