How strong is the immortal body?

Even Li Ang himself did not know.

He only knew that he had been blessed with celestial bodies. With the Tianyang Mirror cultivation, bombarding the powerhouse of the Void God Realm did not require the slightest effort.

Now Li Ang Emperor is blessed and breaks through to the Yuan God realm.

Then, the immortal body was quenched.

A punch blasted out.

Directly smashed the nine dragons and punches of that holy abyss.

‘Phew. ’

Li Ang stood above the void, his expression indifferent.

At the moment he.

That body is like a god, and a thunderbolt and green qi rises behind it.

‘It seems that I still underestimate the power of this immortal body. ’

Leon muttered.

And at the moment.

Above him in the flesh, too, looms. A pattern of lightning emerged, hovering around.

‘When I was practicing. I accidentally learned that this immortal body is divided into nine revolutions. It seems that the current me is due to cultivation. It’s just a turn. ’

That’s it, it can also hit a blow. Directly kill the existence of the Holy Abyss. ’

Just in Li Ang’s quiet thoughts.


The same silence!

All the major holy places.


People of the major super dynasties.

Their eyes widened.

Time, as if at this moment, stands still completely!

No one spoke, and everyone stood still like a sculpture.

Countless people.

Face full of disbelief!!

Especially when I saw the holy abyss that was almost like a god, the head was cut off by a flying sword of Li Ang and fell from the void!


“Invincible Holy Abyss… He’s dead?? ”

Leon shot too fast.

The sword rises and falls.

Fan Ruo is a peerless sword immortal.


One sword, slash the famous Zhendong Desolation on the first day of the proud holy abyss!

The holy sons of the major holy places, the elders of the major sects, and the princes and empresses of the super dynasty.

Their eyes widened, as if they had seen a myth with their own eyes.

After all, this scene. It’s too shocking.

It’s unbelievable!

“That holy abyss can be called except for the old monsters of several holy places. Claimed to be invincible in the world!! ”

“This Li Immortal is no matter how strong. How can you kill with a sword? ”

Shengyuan and Tianjiao?

Dayuan God Realm powerhouse!

The real realm of the avenue is to look at the entire East Wilderness. How many people are so strong?

Originally, everyone still thought.

Even if Leon can win. It must also be a bitter battle!


But it was directly crushed!


“The strength of Li Xianren… Could it be that it has reached the Primeval Realm? ”

The audience was horrified.

In the beginning!!

Once in the beginning, for the true monarch!

That is the existence of the Holy Land Taishang Elder, second only to the Holy Lord!!

The terrifying sound of the scene is like a wave!


At this moment, Li Ang stood in mid-air. But his gaze did not relax in the slightest.

His eyes seemed to be shaped of pure gold. Directly scan thousands of miles!

Sure enough!!

At the place where the holy abyss was beheaded by Li Ang, there was a seemingly nonexistent light cluster. Slowly float in the void.

Little by little, drift into the distance!

If you look closely, it is not difficult to see. In that light cluster, there was an illusory figure with a holy abyss.

It’s for Genshin!

‘Sure enough. ’

‘Want to go with the Yuan God Distant Shield? ’

Li Ang smiled and grabbed his big hand in the air.

It is the Yuan God who directly touches the distant holy abyss. Grabbed in the hand.


“My flesh is ruined and my cultivation is nothing. No threat to you anymore!! ”

In the light cluster.

The shadow of the holy abyss is also a roar of anger!!

The holy abyss at this moment!


He has been practicing hard for so many years and has so many heavenly treasures!

I have stepped into such a realm.

Now he is physically destroyed. It also means that his cultivation is all gone!

Even if he was finding a body, starting from scratch.

I want to reach that height again. And how many years?

“Liang Holy Son!”

At this time.

From the Holy Dragon Holy Land, several other holy sons also appeared in the air with extremely embarrassed expressions.

Yi arched his hands and said in a respectful tone: “Li Ang Holy Son.” Now that my Holy Dragon God Son has been killed on the spot by you, I also ask Li Ang Holy Son to spare him. ”

“This time, the friction between my Holy Dragon Holy Land and your Xuantian Holy Land. A write-off, how? ”


Those holy sons also had a chill in their eyes!!

The heart is almost roaring!

‘Leon. You kill my Son of God in the Holy Land! ’

‘My Holy Lord will come to the door another day! It will surely slaughter your Xuantian Holy Land! ’

‘Not a single one left!’ ’

At this time.

Li Ang shook his head lightly: “Not how.” ”

Finish talking!

In Li Ang’s arm, a ray of thunder appeared. The air exploded.

The Yuan God of the Holy Abyss in the hands of Na Leon. Can’t help but wail!!

“Leon!! Don’t kill me!! My Holy Dragon Holy Land, there are many secrets I can share with you!! ”

“No !!!”

The Yuan God of the Holy Abyss screamed and wailed!

In the end, it will directly turn into powder and scatter in the sky!

The first day of a generation of East Wilderness!

Complete fall!


“Li Xianren. Count you ruthless, farewell!! ”

The other great holy sons of the Holy Dragon Holy Land saw Li Ang with such means, and their eyes sank. Turn around and go!


“Did I let you go?”

Li Ang sneered.

The faces of several holy sons changed suddenly!

While running away, his voice trembled and roared: “Li Xianren, do you really want to kill them all?” ”

“You dare to kill this Divine Son and all the Holy Son of my Holy Dragon Holy Land?”


Leon frowned. A pat on the waist.

The little golden gourd trembled slightly, and a few golden lights flashed in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge golden sword qi, spanning the void.

It’s like a setting sun.


Li Ang said lightly.

That golden knife qi fell vertically.


Everyone in the Holy Dragon Holy Land who were fleeing in the distance saw a golden qi appear, as if the sun had been bombarded by Li Ang and descended on the world.


The few remaining holy sons and countless disciples of the Holy Dragon Holy Land.

All in a frightened and distorted gaze,

Annihilated in Leon’s sword!

Their limbs, their heads, their flesh.

All melted into blood!!

Even this world.

It was all raining scarlet blood.

And Li Ang, standing in the rain of blood.

Holding a golden knife.

Like a peerless swordsman!

Shock the East Wilderness!

‘Phew. ’

‘A stab to the vengeance.’ ’

Leon breathed a sigh of relief. faded the power of his immortal body.

Collect the knife.

Falling from the void.

To put it lightly, without a trace of dust.

“Xueran… You pinch me… See if I’m dreaming? ”

Li Chanxuan.

The body trembled. In the gaze that looked at Li Ang, there was a touch of adoration.


Or even… Infatuated!!

Such an immortal posture.

There should be no such person in the world!

Su Xueran was also shocked to the extreme, and stretched out her small hand in a daze. pinched Li Chanxuan’s beautiful face.

The white light clothes are beautiful and regrettable, always looking at the amount in the distance.

I don’t know how long it took.

Finally said slowly, “Li Xianren… From now on. It’s the first day of this Eastern Wilderness…”

“If such news spreads… I’m afraid that the entire East Wilderness will explode…”


The year 431 of the Tianxuan calendar.

Li Ang took the posture of an immortal and killed the Holy Son and the Son of God in the Holy Land of the Holy Dragon.

A stab at all.

The first day of Chengdong Wilderness!

That day, the Eight Holy Lands of the Holy Son.

All the eyebrows are lowered.

(I’m sorry I’m guilty, this plot is coming to an end.) To conceive the plot later, I will make up for it tomorrow during the day, and I apologize to everyone here. )

(Later plot.) Everyone likes this kind of Tianjiao crushing, or other types, you can say in the book review, I will read it! )

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