Interracial fissures.

Spatial confusion.

Above the void, a ray of light flowed. The power of space surging through.

Even if it is a Saint Realm powerhouse, if it is involved in that chaotic space. I’m afraid it will be shattered in an instant!


Li Ang led the people of the Xuantian Holy Land to fly low in the cracks of the alien race, below them. It is a small continent with no end in sight, and occasionally alien monsters fly by, destroying mountain peaks, and setting off waves after waves. Menacing.

And the whole alien crack.

The aura of heaven and earth is also extremely rich.

It is a treasure trove of cultivation.

You must know that anyone who has reached the level of the Holy Son of the Holy Land and whose cultivation talent is extremely top. This is what is needed, and it is the aura between heaven and earth.

The aura of the entire alien crack is more than ten times stronger than the outside world, and it represents more than just aura.

Creation, luck, cultivation speed, comprehension speed. Even the breakthrough speed!

will be increased tenfold!

“No wonder even such an existence as the Ancient Saint Clan has come to this alien crack.”

“Sure enough, it is a cultivation treasure land!”

Beside Leon. Li Chanxuan is also beautiful, full of surprises.

“Li Ang Miko, or shall we just stop and camp here?”

“Anyway, the heaven and earth here are rich in aura. A month of retreat here is equivalent to several years in the outside world! ”

Several holy sons of the Xuantian Holy Land also spoke at this moment.

Li Ang, who was at the forefront, shook his head.

“Now we have just entered the foreign race, because there are more people, and the foreign races hidden around are all hidden.”

“It’s actually very dangerous around here. I’ll help you find a safe place to stay, after which I’ll be away for a while. ”

Li Ang said lightly.

This alien crack is also a cultivation treasure for Li Ang, but his goal is the endless opportunities inside this alien crack!

‘In the past six months, I have to find a way to break through to the Primeval Realm. Immortal body cultivation to five revolutions. ’

‘That way. Even against the princes and daughters of the ancient saints of those Zhongzhous, I have the power to fight. ’

As Leon and the others kept advancing.

Throughout the alien cracks, a chaotic aura also occasionally came from a distance.


Those breaths actually began to disappear one by one!

All that remained was a bloody breath.

“The people of the Tianxuan Continent have already fallen.”

“It should be a big holy place. Completely buried in the hands of the aliens…”

Li Ang frowned and said.

Just as Li Ang’s voice fell.

In front of everyone, a valley is also a gathering of people from two of the holy places in the Southern Wilderness.

There are 100 people!

Heavenly Tiger Holy Land!

Devil Holy Land!

The two holy places are both guarded by the Primeval Realm God Son. It is the top ten holy places in the southern wilderness.

“It’s an immortal fruit tree!”

“Hahaha, it’s a heavenly creation!”

At this moment, the people of the two Southern Desolate Holy Lands were also full of excitement.

“The Immortal Fruit has a strong lifting effect on martial artists below the Great Yuan God Realm. My Heavenly Tiger Holy Land, it won’t take long for me to cultivate a group of Xiaoyuan God Realm powerhouses. ”

“Get rich!! The chance of this alien rift. Right here!! ”

Just when the disciples of those two holy places were extremely excited.

Among them, the Heavenly Tiger Holy Land God Son Tiger Roared also sensed a breath outside the valley.


Tiger Xiao turned his head.

It was to see that outside the valley, Li Ang and other people in the Xuantian Holy Land also came to this valley.

At the moment, Tiger Xiao’s gaze changed, and he said directly in a deep voice: “Where did it come from?” Didn’t you see that this valley has been occupied by my Southern Desolate Holy Land? Don’t hurry up and roll yet? ”

After meeting Leon.

Another large southern wilderness holy land, the devil puppet holy land God Son Heavenly Puppet.

It was also a change in expression that seemed to recognize Leon. Hurriedly turned his head and exclaimed: “Tiger roaring god son!” He is…”

Before his voice fell.

Li Ang had already stretched out a hand and said lightly: “See, hand over part of that immortal fruit.” ”

“Find death!!”

The Tiger Roaring God Son was furious when he heard this!

He is the strongest of the four wastelands.

There are dozens of holy places crisscrossing!

Someone dares to rob them?

At the moment, Tiger Roar God Son also said directly coldly: “Tiger Ye is in a good mood today, get out immediately.” If you don’t roll again, Lao Tzu will slaughter all your holy places!” ”

Tiger Roar’s tone is gloomy, and he has always been decisive in killing.

If it weren’t for the encounter with the Immortal Immortal Fruit Tree this time, I would be in a good mood.

I’m afraid he has already made a move!!

“This !!!”

Hear the words of the Tiger Roaring Miko.

On the side, the Devil Puppet Holy Land God Son Tiangou was also suddenly sweating!!

In my heart, I scolded the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Tiger Roaring God Son!

‘Crouch!! ’

‘Look for death yourself. Don’t bring my Heavenly Puppet Holy Land!! ’

Right now, that day, the puppet god son also directly held his fist.

The tone was extremely respectful, and the voice was a little trembling: “I also asked Li Immortal to atone for his sins, it’s me who can’t wait for immortals…”


This moment.

That tiger roared and reacted!

Li Xianren?

That one on its own. Kill Li Immortals who killed the five Tianjiao of the Northern Wilderness?

The night before was shocking.

Li Xianren’s name is too shocking, but there are thousands of Tianjiao in the wasteland.

Not everyone is there!

He had only heard of it, but he had never seen it with his own eyes!

I didn’t think of it, the person in front of me.

It turned out to be the terrifying ‘Li Immortal’?

Leon frowned:

“Since you know who I am, you must also know my means.”

The voice fell.

Li Ang directly slapped the sword on his waist.


Yangjian Hu made a sound.


A golden sword light shot out directly. Turned into a golden long rainbow and slashed towards the tiger roaring god son.


The Tiger Roaring Miko is terrified!!

Wail out loud.

Before he could turn around and escape, the golden sword light directly cut off the head of the tiger roaring god son.

Damn it!!

A great holy place for the Son of God. The strong of the Taichu realm, the head was cut off on the spot, and even the Yuan God was dissipated and invisible!!


The countless Heavenly Tiger Holy Land Holy Son elders present were shocked. Completely dumbfounded.

Too frightening. So that countless people can’t help but shiver!

“Brother Tiger Roar, why do you say this?”

The Heavenly Puppet Miko couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh: “He’s a Li Immortal… Suppress the four wastelands. An almost invincible existence…”


Li Ang’s gaze also slowly turned to the Heavenly Golem not far away, and said lightly: “You want to avenge him?” ”

The heavenly puppet was so frightened that his body trembled!

Hurriedly shook his head: “That Tiger Roaring God Son doesn’t know Li Immortal, and it is his honor to die at your hands!” ”

Finish talking!!

The Heavenly Puppet God Son just didn’t say a word.

Just turn around and go!!

The body trembles!!

I have long forgotten what bullshit immortal fruit tree!

(The first change, make up for the daytime.) And three more! )

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