
“What did you say?”

“Into the sarcophagus??”


Around the entire hall, countless people from the Ancient Saint Clan also looked at Li Ang.

Subsequently, one of the great holy clans, the prince of the “Zhao Clan”, Zhao Hengtian. He also snorted coldly and looked at Li Ang: “Nonsense.” ”

That Zhao Hengtian was proud of the first day of the Zhao clan.

This time is also to compete for the imperial qi!

“These sarcophagi are obviously used to suppress those bloody corpses. It’s just that in the past million years, those bloody corpses have been destroyed. It’s just an empty coffin! ”

“How can a sarcophagus be entered? I see that you are deliberately trying to cause us to enter the sarcophagus and then find another benefit! ”

Zhao Hengtian spoke coldly, echoing throughout the hall.

Li Ang smiled indifferently and the wind was light.

He shook his head helplessly.

‘If people are stupid, don’t say imperial qi. I’m afraid that in this emperor’s tomb, I won’t live for long…’

‘This prince of the Zhao family. It seems that time is running out…’

Li Ang said slowly inwardly.

And at the moment.

In the main hall, the people of the major ancient holy families. Also you look at me. I’ll look at you!

They came all the way, the entire imperial tomb.

That’s just one passage!

There can be no other way!

Although the people of the major ancient saint clans present were unwilling to accept it, it was just that.

Entering this sarcophagus is indeed the only way at present.

The night sun beside Li Ang glanced at the sarcophagus. said lightly: “I can feel it, around the sarcophagus.” There is a surge of space power. ”

“It should be the Heavenly Emperor back then, leaving the test for those who come after.”

Yexi finished speaking.

The lotus step moved lightly, and its own shadow turned into a stream of light.

“Yexi is willing to try it first.”

Finish talking.

Night Light entered directly into a sarcophagus.

Damn it!

Enter with the night.

The ancient sarcophagus was also slowly closed.

Heaven and earth are silent.


“She just went in?”

The people of the major holy places present looked at each other!

After observing for a while, it seems that there is no change.

“If it is inside the sarcophagus. Really hide the passage into the emperor’s tomb…”

“It’s not good to be taken first by the Queen of the Night Light…”

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.


It is the greed and desire for that emperor qi. Victory over timidity.

The people of the major ancient holy clans also stepped into the sarcophagus!

Among them.

Including Leon, of course!

After entering the sarcophagus.

Heaven and earth instantly darkened!


In front of Leon, there is a long corridor.

Around the corridor, there were candles one after another.

I don’t know where it leads.


At this time, Li Ang wanted to turn back and leave this sarcophagus directly.

But it was discovered, behind him.

It’s endless darkness!

‘Am I trapped in this sarcophagus space?’ ’

‘Hmph, I’ll see what mystery you have. ’


Li Ang also snorted coldly and moved his figure.

Walk directly along the passage in front of you, before!


Right now, at Leon’s feet.

With a burst of shattering sounds, there were one illusory revenant souls after another, slowly floating out.

Those souls, body beauty.

One by one. Beautiful as a flower!

The sound is coquettish!

“Come on~”

“Come and I’ll play with us~!”

That sound. Seductive, psychedelic!!

Between talks.

One of the revenants, already slowly floating, the weak and boneless slender jade hand in the depths, stretched out towards Li Ang’s face.

“Adults ~ what’s good about the outside world?”

“Stay here with us, be happy forever…”

“Yes, yes… There is no fight here. There was no killing…”

One voice after another, psychedelic came.

Li Ang smiled lightly.


“A group of ant revenants, dare to confuse Li?”


Finish talking!

Step forward.

One sword, cut out!


A sword was released, and ten thousand golden lights filled the surroundings, making the entire corridor. It’s all illuminated in an instant.



Accompanied by countless screams, those bewildered souls in front of Li Ang.

Instantly annihilated and gone.

There is only a ball of blood left!!

Leon kept going.

Walk somewhere!

On his left and right, one golden gate after another was opened.

Inside the gate. It is a golden hall.

Countless gold, precious stones, elixirs!

Heap in groups!

That’s a lot, that’s huge!


Just the treasure in one of the golden halls is probably enough to be worth the wealth of an ancient holy family!

What’s more, there are so many golden halls!

And what surprised Li Ang a little was that among those treasure elixirs.

There is a stream of immortal air one after another. Not illusory!

Leon’s eyes glanced!

System interface. Manifested.

【Golden Hall】

[Hidden message: Warning! It’s really a distorted space, once you step in, you can’t live forever! 】

‘Sure enough. ’

Seeing this scene, Li Ang also smiled coldly.

‘This Heavenly Emperor is a good means…’

These treasures are really what is the use, and once you step in, you will be imprisoned here for life.” It is better to be dead than to die. ’

‘Hmph, the exit should be just ahead.’ ’

The next period of time.

Li Ang is all the way without distractions.


At the end of this passage is an ordinary small door.

The moment you step into that small door.

Li Ang’s front is dark!

A huge thrust, a sharp push. It was to push him directly out of the sarcophagus!

After leaving the sarcophagus.

Where Leon is. It’s the same hall from before. It’s just that the sarcophagus that I just entered before has become a stone gate!

Behind the stone gate is the real core space of this emperor’s tomb!


At this time. Everyone who stayed around the main hall looked at Li Ang, their faces full of confusion and shock!

“Sure enough!”

“That sarcophagus is the test of this emperor’s tomb, if it cannot pass the test. You can’t move on! ”

There are a lot of people around. It’s all whispering too.

One of the guest ministers of other families, seeing the sarcophagus that Li Ang had entered earlier, had become a gate. It’s also a joy at the moment!

“Haha, thank you!”

That guest qing’s expression was extremely greedy and distorted!

One step is about to step into the stone gate.


Just the moment when his front body had just crossed the stone gate.


His body suddenly stiffened!!

Subsequently, only half of the body remained. It was left in front of the stone gate, and the blood flew.

And the other half. But I don’t know where I was teleported!

The audience is dead silent!!

Countless people, covered in cold sweat. No one dares to take a step forward!

It is not a stone door that you open yourself, dare to break in. Dead!

At this time.

One after another sarcophagus around was also slowly opened.

Ye Xi, Lu Xinyan and many of those who stepped into the sarcophagus before, all passed the test. Successfully opened the door of the sarcophagus!

One by one, the expression is excited!


Some rejoice and others worry.

Only a few sarcophagi are still closed.

There was not the slightest movement for a long time.

Among them, including Zhao Hengtian, the daughter of the king of the Zhao clan.

At this moment, I saw that many people from other holy families had already left the sarcophagus. Only Zhao Hengtian had not yet come out, and an elder of the Zhao clan also had a rather low expression: “What about the prince of my clan?” ”

“Why hasn’t it come out yet??”


Li Ang also said lightly: “Those people died in the sarcophagus.” ”

“Or, imprisoned in a sarcophagus for life.”

A word falls!

Those who had clansmen who had not yet left the sarcophagus, the elders, and their expressions were distorted. Furious and unbelievable!

“Hmph. How can a small sarcophagus trap the prince of my clan? ”

The elder of the Zhao clan obviously did not believe it.

Stretched out his big old hand and slapped it on the sarcophagus where Zhao Hengtian was.


Sarcophagus. Open slowly!

Unlike those sarcophagi that turned into stone doors, the sarcophagus where Zhao Hengtian was at this moment, there was no change in the slightest. Jean is in the shape of a sarcophagus.


A cloud of blood, along with clothing. Storage rings, and other things that Zhao Hengtian carries with him.

It is also the moment when the sarcophagus opens. Flowing out…

This moment.

The audience is dead silent!!

“No !!!”

“My prince!!”

That Zhao clan elder, at this moment.

Can’t help but wail!

Howl to the sky!

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