Ancient Sage Realm.

In the magnificent golden hall of the Night Clan.

The Night Ancient Emperor was bathed in golden air. Retreat.


Full of red face.

It can be said that for thousands of years. For the first time, the Night Ancient Emperor was so excited.

Over the years, he has had countless children.

Countless queens, saintesses, fairies. He left many children for him.

It’s just that these sons and daughters.

All of them are impure in blood, or extremely arrogant.

Less than a hundred years later, some sons and daughters have fallen in major secret realms. Ruins, ruins in the middle of the scramble.

There are some children left with impure blood. It was assigned to other family properties by him, some of which he had not seen for decades.

Only the birth of the night!

Only then did she see a glimmer of hope!

And now, Yexi has successfully obtained the Emperor Qi!

It can be said that the night sun is thousands of years. The only new emperor is about to soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm.

He has been lonely for a hundred years, and he has no chance to soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm, and he has seen the mystery of the upper realm.

But if Ye Xi can achieve the god position in the Tai Void Immortal Realm. Then his Night Clan will all soar to the Immortal Realm and become the God Clan!

“Patriarch. The royal daughter has already entered the ancestral hall and received the spiritual energy empowerment passed down by several ancestors. ”

“Within a month, you can break through the Emperor Realm.”

At this moment, an elder of the Night Clan was also in ecstasy. Out of the blue.


“Open the door of the ancient holy realm so that everyone can enter.”

“Order the world. The major holy families. The major sects in Zhongzhou are supreme great religions. ”

“Even the people of the wasteland will come one after another. My Night Clan banqueted all the beings of the Tianxuan Continent to witness my daughter’s achievement of the new emperor, thousands of brilliance! ”

It was on that night that ancient emperor. The moment the words fell.


His eyes suddenly opened, and his body trembled violently.

You must know how the Night Ancient Emperor generation of great emperors exists.

This reaction also caused the night clan elder on the side to be shocked, and hurriedly asked, “Patriarch… What’s wrong? ”

Night Ancient Emperor.

Face full of shock!

The voice trembled:

“The gate of the immortal world is open!”

“The fairy is coming!”

A monstrous coercion.

At this moment, it is slowly coming from the sky.

It seems to have an extremely powerful being. Step by step. Across the void, it comes.

“Go and inform the other ancient saint clans!”

“Immortals in the immortal world have descended on the Tianxuan Continent, come and bow down to greet each other!”

“If you provoke the dissatisfaction of the immortals. Bendi personally shot and killed without mercy! ”

After the Night Ancient Emperor finished speaking,

Even if you get up in a hurry, your steps are a little unsteady. Fly outside!


Under the incomparably huge and magnificent fairy gate, there are two figures.

A man and a woman.

Slowly descending.

The two were holding staffs, both dressed in silver-white robes, with strange patterns on top of their robes. Distinguished and extraordinary.

“For many years. I didn’t come to this Tianxuan Continent anymore. ”

“Last time in the Tianxuan Continent, someone soared. How long ago has it been? If it is the Tianxuan Continent this year, there is still no new emperor coming. ”

“In the future, the immortal gate to the Tianxuan Continent will be completely closed. This soaring place is also given to other nethers. ”

The woman at the head has long hair. The temperament is ethereal and ethereal, and it is destined to be not a mortal person.

Just a few words, so that the surrounding flowers bloom, the sky fell auspicious clouds.

In the middle of the lotus step, a golden lotus flower rises. Spread out on the void and turn into a fairy road.

“Hehe, what Fairy Ye Qiong said.”

“This Tianxuan Continent is a barren land. If it weren’t for the Heavenly Emperor back then, he would have almost achieved a god venerable. I’ve long forgotten about this place…”

Behind the woman, the old man of the Immortal World, who was cultivated by the True Emperor, bent slightly and said respectfully.

A fairy named Ye Qiong. Without further ado.

Right at this moment!

In the distance, in the direction of the ancient holy realm.

Look at one figure after another from a distance, across the void. Bathe in gold.

Fly this way.

There are eight figures.

It is the patriarch of the Eight Ancient Saint Clans today!

Eight Emperor Realm powerhouses. Appears together.

Such a scene. How shocking should it be?

Rare in the world!


Behind those eight emperor realm powerhouses were the major elders and guest secretaries of the eight holy families.


Except for the Night Clan. The other people of the Ancient Saint Clan all had a somewhat strange face.

Without him.

In the tomb of Nadi, several other ancient holy clan kings and princes have all fallen. All died at the hands of Night Light!

Leads to the exception of the Night Clan. Several other ancient saint clans suffered heavy losses.

He can only completely surrender to the Night Clan and want to recover his vitality.

I’m afraid it will take decades.

“Seen… Too vain immortal!! ”

At this time.

The Night Ancient Emperor at the forefront of the crowd saw Fairy Ye Qiong and the old man behind him.

Full of respect!!

Stay above the void and bend slightly!

That night, although the ancient emperor was the strongest person in the Xuan Continent today, the true emperor cultivated. It’s just that in front of that too virtual immortal. Unworthy!


The Night Ancient Emperor bent over.

Bow down.

That Ye Qiong fairy just had an indifferent expression.

Jade hand waved lightly.

said lightly:

“I am a person from a great immortal sect in the Tai Void Immortal Realm, named Ye Qiong. Responsible for guiding your Tianxuan Continent New Emperor to soar to the immortal soil, learn the unpredictable method, and preach the divine position. ”

“You Tianxuan Continent, can there be a new emperor?”

The voice is ethereal and fairy.

It’s just that in those words, there is monstrous coercion and sweeping away everything.

As a result, several Emperor Realm patriarchs of the Ancient Saint Clan were uncontrollably bent slightly. As if it were a surrender from the depths of the soul!

‘Worthy of being a fairy man… Too strong…’

‘Too strong… I’m afraid that this person can annihilate my Tianxuan Continent with a snap of his fingers! ’

The Night Ancient Emperor at the moment. His head was full of cold sweat, and his heart was terrified to the extreme.

He considered himself to have reached the pinnacle of monasticism.

So it seems, in the eyes of the people of the fairy land.

But it’s just ants.

It took a while, that night, for the ancient emperor to slow down from the shock.

He said, “Back to the Immortals.” The royal daughter of my clan is attacking the Emperor Realm. It is the only one for my Tianxuan Continent for thousands of years. ”

“You can get out of customs soon.”

There was also a hint of pride in the tone of the Night Ancient Emperor!


Fairy Ye Qiong’s shocked eyes flashed with surprise.

Unexpectedly, after a thousand years in the Tianxuan Continent, a new emperor was born?

On the side, the old man who accompanied him. It is also a faint opening:

“The Ascending Immortal Conference is about to open, and I will return to the Immortal Land as soon as possible. You can only wait two months. ”

Emperor Yegu hurriedly arched.

“Thank you Shangxian, enough, enough.”

“Also invite the Immortals into my Night Clan. Let’s wait for a few days…”

Ye Qiong heard this. A flash of impatience flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Sigh slightly.

‘Stay in this Nether for a while.’ It’s really boring. ’

Immediately, he said indifferently: “Lead the way.” ”


Everyone congratulates the people of the immortal world. Head to the Night Clan.

For the next period of time, the entire Night Clan. It is to do your best to entertain the two!

Even, the treasure of countless towns.

Immortal medicine.

All without hesitation!

Time is like the wind, in the blink of an eye!!

A month has passed.

And in that ancient holy world, there are more and more people gathered.

These people are all people from the Supreme Great Sect in Zhongzhou!

As well as the major holy places of the four wastelands, they have all arrived.

Especially the people of several wastelands!

To know.

Ruofei opened the door of the Ancient Saint Realm this time. These people from the Desolate Realm have no chance to come to the Ancient Saint Realm in this life.

On the ancient sacred realm, on the huge plain square.

Figures converge.

Among the people and locations in the Eastern Wilderness.

Only the second daughter, with a stunning appearance, attracted countless people around her, and all of them gathered their eyes.

Unable to transfer!

It’s for the Xuantian Holy Lord!

And the snow fairy!

At this moment, the two are wearing long skirts. Talk with a faint smile.

Under the light long skirt, it sets off the beautiful posture and temperament.

The snow fairy was originally the top beauty of the Tianxuan Continent, and the Xuantian Holy Lord. After regaining your appearance, it is even more beautiful!

“This Snow Fairy and the Xuantian Holy Lord… Worthy of being a beauty at that time… Such a look is enough to be proud of several other wastelands..”

“If you can laugh… Use my thirty-year life path in exchange, and I am willing to do it…”

“It’s so beautiful… It’s really a heavenly immortal…”


The snow fairy also looked around this ancient holy realm from a distance and sighed: “I heard that in the Xuantian Continent, a new emperor was born… It should be the royal daughter of the Night Clan, who seems to be named Yexi? ”

The Xuantian Holy Lord seemed to be absent-minded.

Just beautiful eyes looked around and muttered: “Li Ang seems to have also come to Zhongzhou.” ”

“I don’t know if I can be here… Meet him…”

Hearing the words of the Xuantian Holy Lord, the snow fairy on the side.

A smile, a momentary style. It made Hundred Flowers seem to lose color: “What about your Li Immortal again?” ”

“If you have intentions, why don’t you say anything before people leave?”

(Two chapters.) That adds up to nearly six thousand words. )

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