At that night, I was surprised to find that I used the Blood Forbidden Technique, and only one of Li Ang’s doppelgangers was killed.

Fury, shock!

The expression is a little distorted.

It’s not far from everyone.

A blood-colored gourd slowly floated above the void.

An indifferent voice.

It also came from Yoyo.

“It seems that someone Li has to make a move and kill you…”

A word falls!

There was a dead silence!


Especially those who were desperate before and thought that Li Ang was dead, their eyes widened. His gaze focused on the blood-colored gourd in mid-air!

“It’s Leon’s voice!”

“Leon… Not dead!! ”

“Leon is still alive??”

Bai Qingyi looked at the void from afar, and couldn’t help but shout excitedly: “Li Ang is invincible!” ”

“Leon is invincible!!”

People from the major holy places and sects in the Eastern Wilderness.

Couldn’t be more exciting. Eyes red!

It was as if they had seen Li Ang who killed Saint Wuji with a snap of his fingers again. The wind is light and cloudy, pushing all sentient beings!

In contrast, the people of the Night Clan above the void, including the Night Ancient Emperor and others.

Also emoticons. A moment of gloom to the extreme!

Night Ancient Emperor’s expression twisted!

His eyes were full of disbelief!

It is his generation of the supreme powerhouses of the Tianxuan Continent, and they are all a little afraid to imagine the picture in front of them!

‘My female Yexi uses the Blood Forbidden Technique. With that power, I am far from being invincible! ’

‘Actually… Is there a back and forth fight with a doppelgänger of Li Ang? ’

‘This… How can it be? ’


Especially the night light.

At this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

The coquettish body couldn’t help but tremble slightly!

She used almost all means to fight with Li Ang for three thousand.


Is that just Leon’s doppelganger?


“This is absolutely impossible!!”

At this moment, the night light, the eyes are red, almost crazy!

She didn’t believe it!


It was in mid-air, in the eyes of all the holy clans and immortal earth.

The blood gourd floating in mid-air.

Tremble slightly!


Immediately, a burst of golden blood. It’s gushing out!

As soon as the golden blood came out, ten thousand golden lights flowed.

Shine in the world.

Under that light, even the sun. It all seems to have dimmed.





The entire ancient holy world, with millions of people, is extremely shocking to see.

Drop after drop of golden blood dripped out of the blood gourd.

Every drop is constantly gathering on the void.

One drop!

Ten drops!

Hundred drops!

Then the crowd saw it. Those golden bloods.

In the end, it turned out to be shaped into a person.

It’s like being transformed and reborn!

Gestures are as if they fit in with heaven and earth, regardless of each other.


Exactly Leon!

At this moment, Li Ang also exhaled.

It’s just that one breath, that one breath out.

Instantly flew out of thousands of miles, like a golden void ark, full of millions of zhang. Shrouded in the void, almost in the blink of an eye, it turned into surging golden qi, wisp by wisp. Fly straight to the Milky Way.

Those golden gases. It’s too majestic.

So that the blood and qi galaxy that Ye Xi had turned into before was actually instantly penetrated, little by little. Classified as nothing!

It was a physical power that was close to the limit.

A breath, a wink.

The void can’t withstand such power.

They collapsed and looked at the void and the earth below.

They all collapsed. Riddled with.

Countless Zhongzhou buildings, mountains.

In an instant. It turned out to be directly ashes. Dusty.

Thousands of miles of sea, sea. Set off a terrifying wave, and then instantly evaporated, turning into a little mist. Fill the world.

It’s like this piece of time. Classified as eternal chaos.

“This… What is this power? ”

“My… Mommy!! ”

This moment!!

It was that night the ancient emperor was completely frightened and dumbfounded, and his head was covered in cold sweat.

The voice was a little hoarse, and he hurriedly roared: “Xi’er go quickly!” This son has cultivated the unpredictable boundless magical power, which is elusive!! Invincible!! ”

The sound falls!

That night. That’s when I reacted.

“Not good!!”


Night Light looked up at the void. Seeing that his divine power was actually under Li Ang’s breath, ashes disappeared.

Right now, it’s shocking to the extreme.

Covered in a cold sweat. The figure moved, one step across thousands of miles, step by step to give birth to lotus flowers, like explosive thunder. Quickly retreat into the distance!


Heaven and earth were silent.

Countless people are in awe.

This time!!

Even those people of the Ancient Saint Clan were so shocked that they couldn’t speak. The body trembled slightly, all eyes.

They all looked at Leon.


Li Ang has a fairy wheel on his head, auspicious clouds rising behind him, and golden crow on his feet. Dressed in immortality.

Like a Lord of the universe, descending on earth.

Looking down on all beings.

Thousands of golden qi gathered around Li Ang’s body, like golden scales. Reflecting golden light.


Leon above the void.

In the end, it was also a soft sigh.

Above its body, the light flickered.


Li Ang finally opened his eyes.

Eyes passed, glances for ten thousand years.

A sigh, a gaze.

Every move is full of Dao rhyme.

From that Li Ang’s gaze, there was a golden qi released.

Those rays. The place that shines, annihilates in an instant.

Even the void was burned out. Revealing large and small, one after another irregular black hole-like nothingness.

Then came the sigh of Leon.

This time.

He turned the flesh of the past into a doppelganger. The body is wrapped in the supreme bloodline and escapes into the gourd.

Comprehension transforms morality.

With his mutilated flesh, destroyed by the night.

He finally succeeded in comprehending and refining into a divine body!


World. It’s all silence.

Ye Qiong and beautiful eyes from the immortal earth looked at Li Ang.

Muttered incredulously:

“Once in the fairy soil. I have seen a god with great power, and when he opens his eyes, everything is chaotic. Let the void be annihilated. ”

“A snort. Push the world across, every move. They are all full of Dao rhyme, connecting heaven and earth. The power of the law of traction. ”

“It is said that the god, with the power of the monstrous flesh, is among the gods and transcends all things. It’s for the divine body… Could it be that this Nether Li Ang has already comprehended the divine body? ”

In the end, it is a fairy like Ye Qiong. It’s all some change in sound.

Divine body!

The words fell, making the accompanying old man beside Ye Qiong equally shocked.

The voice trembled: “This…”

“In my Immortal Gate, are all great endless mysterious divine bodies?”

“How can it be… Appearing in this Nether? ”

Ye Qiong shook her head helplessly, and she was extremely shocked in her heart, even she didn’t understand.


The Night Ancient Emperor is completely stupid!!

Now Li Ang has appeared before the saint, even his daughter Ye Xi is not enough. Doesn’t it mean that Yexi has no hope of soaring this time?

He has been waiting for a hundred years, isn’t it in vain?

Now. The Night Ancient Emperor also hurriedly bent over the two Immortal Earth people to apologize!

“Leon, what tricks did you play??”

Leon and the void.

With a calm expression, he turned his head. He glanced at the Night Ancient Emperor below.

Brow furrowed.

“Is it your turn to ask the Buddha-figure?”


Finish talking.

I saw Li Ang open his mouth, and a golden gas was released from his mouth.


That golden. It’s huge, it’s millions. Looking at it from a distance, it was as if even heaven and earth had been swept away.

It directly bombarded the body of the Night Ancient Emperor, turning the Night Ancient Emperor together with the countless Night Clan elders behind him directly into powder, and the human gods did not exist.

And Leon, to put it mildly.

It’s still that light-hearted look!

Only those other ancient saint clans remained, with extremely frightened expressions!

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