“You said… What the? ”

Hearing the words of the leader of the Immortal Gate, the entire Firmament Immortal Gate Hall.

Countless elders, immortals, fairy fairies.

Each of them was stunned for a while. It turned out that some did not react!


Especially the autumn water fairy, her face full of shock and disbelief.

Others may not know much.


At the beginning, it was she who was responsible for introducing Li Ang to join the Immortal Gate. And has been accompanying Li Ang to select disciples and go to the border area.


Li Ang turned out to be in that border area, sweeping through tens of thousands of people.

Directly make the Hall of Eternal Life become the number one sect in the border region!

And Li Ang has become the master of the border domain!

“This… No way? ”

Right now, around the main hall.

There are also several immortals and fairies.

His expression changed, and he couldn’t help but talk.

“The three giants of the Yuan Immortal Sect each possessed cultivation comparable to that of the elders of the Immortal Sect that day.”

“It’s just that it is said that if you cultivate a certain bloodline forbidden technique, you have never been able to return to the Immortal Gate and enter the orthodoxy.”

In the hall of the field.

There have also been many people who suddenly joined the Immortal Gate for Li Ang. Ranked as an immortal. Quite a complaint.

After all, Li Ang, a Nether person, soared up.

He was directly selected to the Firmament Immortal Gate, and even gave the authority to establish a self-established great sect!

So to speak.

As a result, many immortal elders in the Firmament Immortal Gate were somewhat unbalanced in their hearts.


With the news of Li Ang, the entire hall is now present. Only countless incredulous voices, exclaiming.

Keep coming out!

“Too soon…”

“It’s only been a week… That border area is vast and has always been under the control of the Great Sect under the Omu Immortal Gate. ”

“Now when Li Ang first entered the border area, he completed the sweep. I’m afraid it will be famous again…”

“It is worthy of the title of the Lord of the Firmament himself…”

Under discussion,

The countless eyes present finally converged on the end of the hall. A beautiful shadow on the throne.

Young Door Master.

Cloud Xi Fairy.

Right now, Yun Xi fairy. It seems to be meditating with my eyes closed.

I don’t know how long it took, Fang Cai’s beautiful eyes slowly opened, and among the beautiful pupils, a light purple oil light appeared and rose.

She said.

“The Tai Void God Clan lectures will be held every day. I have a place in the Firmament Immortal Gate. ”

“Li Ang just joined my Immortal Sect, so he should let him show his face in front of the immortals.”

“This last place will be given to Li Ang and Qiu Shui. You help me with the next post and let Li Ang return to my Firmament Immortal Gate after half a month. Let’s go together! ”

A word falls!

The whole hall is shocked again!

Countless incredulous gazes converged on the Yunxi Fairy.

I don’t know how long it took for the respected Immortal Gate elder to ask, “Young Master Yun Xi.” ”

“Protoss speaks. It is a great opportunity for the whole immortal land today. Once in a hundred years, when preaching. You will be qualified to see the strong gods with your own eyes, see ten thousand years at a glance, and comprehend all sentient beings. ”

“Such a great opportunity is completely the existence of the young masters of the major immortal sects and the ancestors of the Taishang. To be eligible to participate, it is that my Firmament Immortal Gate ranks first in the Immortal Gate, the Lord of my Firmament, and has a close relationship with the Tai Void God Clan. My Firmament Immortal Gate is only four places. ”

“Among them, Young Master Yun Xi is counted as one, and there are two highly respected Taishang ancestors.”

At this moment, the elder of the Immortal Gate was also full of distortion and puzzlement.

He was originally the first Taishang Elder of the Immortal Gate, and his status was second only to the Taishang Old Ancestor level.

If it weren’t for Li Ang, this time he participated in the lecture of the Protoss. He will be alone!

I didn’t expect where he is now.

It was replaced by Li Ang!

“Needless to say.” Young Master Yun Xi’s beautiful eyes lowered, and he didn’t seem to be interested in saying more: “Do what I say…”

The Yunxi Fairy is the Young Master of the Firmament.

A generation of Divine Realm powerhouses, in the entire Firmament Immortal Gate. In addition to the Lord of the Firmament, she was the most prestigious and

Now that the words fell, it turned out to be the elder Taishang. They didn’t dare to say much, so they had to step back.

The main hall is quiet.

Outside the main hall is a sea of misty clouds. There are golden dragons soaring clouds spitting mist, and immortal qi boiling.

Autumn water fairy, sit quietly on one side. Look out the window into the void.

Just sigh.

‘Leon… You have first entered my firmament fairy gate. ’

‘The Heavenly Heaven Fairy Gate has given you almost all the opportunities and creations. ’

‘I hope you can be sure… Become a true giant of the fairy world…’

‘Live up to the grace of my firmament fairy gate! ’

Far away, border.

A huge territorial core, with buildings and lofts.

One hall after another rises from the ground and is resplendent in gold.

In front of the hall, there are huge squares.

It is the headquarters of the Hall of Eternal Life!

A week ago, the Tianyuan Immortal Sect did its best to help the Eternal Life Hall create the headquarters hall. Growing magnificently, with Li Ang killing the three giants of the Tianyuan Immortal Sect with a snap of his fingers, Li Ang has now become the head of the border region.

On the day that the headquarters of the Hall of Eternal Life was built, all the tribes came to congratulate them.

People from major sects, great religions, and main cities.

It’s all coming.


The headquarters of the Hall of Eternal Life and the most central part of the sect master’s hall.

Leon sat quietly in it.

Around the main hall of the sect master. Quiet and undisturbed.

Only that monstrous immortal qi condensed into a vortex in the void. Turn into a golden rain and land on the edge of the sky.

This heavy rain exists for a week.

It is the night, still the golden energy rises, illuminating the void.

So that countless people within a radius of thousands of miles can only sigh.

“Such a monstrous gold… The power that pulls heaven and earth, ”

“I’m afraid it’s powerful… In the promotion of the Heavenly Emperor…”

“Should be… It was that Li Shangxian. ”

“Li Shangxian True Emperor cultivates, can ascend to the Tianyuan Immortal Sect, and kill the three Heavenly Emperors with a snap of his fingers.”

“If you break through the Heavenly Emperor, won’t you be able to fight against the Divine Realm? Sit on an equal footing with those young masters of the Immortal Gate, look down on the world, and become the real giant of this immortal land? ”

“What a terrifying talent…”

Thousands of miles of territory, there are countless people talking.

Only around the Hall of Eternal Life, there were countless disciples.

All full of adoration!


Look at Leon’s location from a distance.

I don’t know how long it has been!


In the sky, an aura exploded and spread for thousands of miles.

A huge golden rift exploded through the auspicious clouds on both sides, as if it was about to cut off the void. It extends into the galaxy.



Heaven and earth are all violently collapsing at this moment.

Soon the crowd saw it. The void collapsed, revealing thousands of golden points of light. It’s like a galaxy.

And a golden figure, the whole body of the golden air flow. One after another golden gas is like a golden mist.

Unreal. Unfathomable.

The figure stood above the void. It was as if the galaxy was behind him, he walked barefoot, step by step from the void, every step,

Golden cracks burst out under their feet, like golden lightning on their feet.

Every second is a change of law. Every move is full of Taoist rhyme.

Exactly Leon!


Countless disciples were full of fanaticism.


Above the expression, there is a surge of pride!


One voice after another, monstrous.

“Congratulations to the sect master for leaving the customs! Break through the Heavenly Emperor!! ”

“Congratulations to the sect master for breaking through the Heavenly Emperor!!”

“Greet my sect master and break through the Heavenly Emperor!”

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