“Well, you’re right, we really shouldn’t stay in this place any longer, if we don’t find the exit to this place in the end, then we will be very dangerous, maybe we will be trapped in this place for a lifetime.” When Young Master Yun Xi said this, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes for the first time.

“Okay, which way do we go next? You decide. Li Ang smiled and looked at Young Master Yun Xi standing beside him and asked.

After hearing the inquiry, Young Master Yun Xi hesitated and said: “The time is morning, if you follow the direction of the sun, you will go to the east, let’s go east first, see if we can meet anyone, or humans living in this secret realm.” ”

“Well, that’s fine, then let’s just go directly.” Li Ang smiled and nodded, and then followed behind Young Master Yun Xi, walking forward step by step, because there were more woods in front, so Li Ang kept exerting his Omu magic tricks, constantly sucking the flowers and trees in front of him into flying ash.

In this way, the sight in front of him is much wider, and he can also strengthen his strength countless times.

After a long time, the two walked for nearly three days or so, still in the forest, looking at the trees, in addition to the trees, there were still trees.

“Let’s speed up, if we delay any longer, it is estimated that we will not find an exit in the next life.” Young Master Yun Xi said with a helpless smile.

“Well, in that case, then, let’s hurry up.” Li Ang nodded, and then followed Young Master Yun Xi and flew up, shuttling through the jungle at a very fast speed.

And everywhere he passed, it was almost empty, because the flowers and trees below had all turned into Li Ang’s nourishment.


On this day, Li Ang, who was still advancing, frowned, looked at the sky in front of him incomprehensibly and said: “I can feel that there seems to be someone rushing in our direction ahead.” ”

“I don’t know what kind of force it is.” When Li Ang finished speaking, he saw two people suddenly appear in the sky in front of him, and the aura on these two people directly made Li Ang and Young Master Yun Xi frown, because the aura carried by these two people was obviously the aura that only the people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate would have.

“I’ll be the first to kill them later.” Li Ang mused, and then quietly accelerated his flying speed.

Before the time of tea, the distance between the two sides was already very close.

Just when the other party was about to say hello, Li Ang waved his hand, and when he boarded, he saw these two people stunned in place, and then watched his physical body continue to disintegrate, and then turned into flying ash, and the boundless Shouyuan on these two people who were in the realm of True Emperor, as well as the various powers they mastered, turned into pure power, and poured into Li Ang’s hands, gradually converging into two pale golden pills.

On these two pale golden pills, there are four faint lines condensed, and when they look like it, there is a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Li Ang glanced at Young Master Yun Xi beside him and said with a smile: “This is the elixir that all the strength of the two of them condensed, if you eat it, it will definitely make us improve greatly.” ”

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