Thinking of this, Li Ang no longer delved into this martial art, but put his mind on this Ao Mu divine technique he had obtained.

Looking at the fruit tree stored in his storage space that had completely transformed into a spirit fruit tree, he said with a shallow smile: “If this spirit fruit tree can always rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to improve, then, at that time, won’t it mean that the spirit fruit of this fruit tree will exceed the effect of ordinary elixirs?” ”

“If it can really make its effect exceed that of ordinary high-grade elixirs, then the effect of this Omu Divine Technique is really terrifying enough, no wonder the Ao Mu Immortal Gate is so much stronger than the Firmament Immortal Gate, but why with such a good technique, they can’t appear a cultivator of the True God realm?” Li Ang had some doubts in his heart.

However, after turning around, Li Ang began to operate the Omu Divine Technique, absorbing the surrounding very abundant heaven and earth aura, but the heaven and earth aura was not directly absorbed into his body, but after continuously purifying this heaven and earth aura in his body, he directly injected it into the spirit fruit tree in the storage space.

At the same time, he exerted the ability in this exercise, began to fuse his incomparably pure power with this spirit fruit tree, and then continuously improved the quality of the spirit fruit tree.

With the passage of time, nearly half a year, this fruit tree only integrated a small part of Li Ang’s power into it, but the promotion was extremely terrifying, and now a fruit can almost be equivalent to a pseudo-emperor-level top-level elixir.

“Juju, although the cultivation of this spirit fruit tree is more difficult, the effect is indeed very good, I just consume part of the power, I can let this spirit fruit tree give me feedback nearly a hundred times more power.”

Li Ang secretly thought at this time: “If I can pass on the method of cultivating the spirit fruit tree in this exercise to the hall of eternal life, at that time, let all the disciples above and below cultivate, and then promote the birth of elixirs, or spirit fruits, at that time, the strength of the sect will also improve rapidly.” ”

After a short while, Li Ang opened his eyes, slowly stood up and moved his muscles, and then walked straight out of the room, when he came to the first floor of the inn, there were still many guests here, but there were very few people with cultivation here, and the highest person did not reach the pseudo-emperor realm.

“Xiaoer, bring me something to eat, by the way, I have something to ask you.” After Li Ang said something, he went straight to a table near the door and sat directly on the stool.

“Officer, what do you want to eat, and what do you have to ask?” I only saw that at this time, the shop Xiaoer, who had a puzzled face, came over and looked at Li Ang with curiosity on his face.

Li Ang pondered, and then said: “Give me some food if you eat, and then order some food, and then I want to ask, what kind of force does Donglin City belong to, such as what country, or a certain sect force?” And is there any special place near Donglin City recently? ”

“Well, the guest officer asked a little too much, this little one doesn’t seem to be able to tell you.” Shop Xiaoer looked very embarrassed.

“Well, that’s the way it looks, right?” Li Ang took out a piece of gold from his arms and handed it to Xiaoer of the shop.

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