Hearing Olin’s words, Zhang Qinglin of the Qingguang Immortal Gate not far away shook his head and said with a shallow smile: “Our Qingguang Immortal Gate really has no communication with your Aomu Immortal Gate. ”

“Moreover, the people of the three immortal gates are also the same, although you Ao Mu Immortal Gate are very powerful in the east of the Tai Void Immortal Realm, and the business is very hot, but it is nothing compared to our immortal gate in the west.”

“Hehe, in that case, are you really planning to do right with our Omu Immortal Gate?” Olin looked at Zhang Qinglin with a sneer, tilted his head, and said: “Listen to them all say, you are the top ten masters of the younger generation under the true god, I have a bit of an idea to ask for advice, see if your strength and your name are not worthy of the name.” ”

“Hehe, good, I just don’t know what the strength of your Ao Mu Immortal Gate is, all of them are so arrogant, they look omnipotent, and I don’t know if they really have this confidence.” Zhang Qinglin’s voice fell, and then his figure directly turned into a blue light and disappeared.

And Orin’s figure also slowly dissipated in place, and when he reappeared, he could see the sky and the earth, full of life, and then the vines snaked out one after another, shrouded in the direction of the blue light.

“Whoosh! ~”I only heard a buzzing sound, and then I saw the boundless cyan light blooming out, directly disintegrating all the plants and trees in heaven and earth.

Seeing this scene, Orin’s complexion changed directly, I didn’t expect that this guy’s strength was really strong, but he broke his vine formation in an instant, and he was able to attack himself with spare strength.

“Broken sword palm!” With a loud drink, Olin pointed his hands together as palms, and directly swung out a palm, only to see that the Kangjin aura on the palm print was very rich, but in an instant, it collided with the overwhelming blue light.

“Boom…” The terrifying voice echoed around, and the people of the various immortal gates standing around were watching the battle in the sky.

At this moment, Li Ang and Yun Xi, who felt the fluctuations of the battle here, also came to the top of the mountain and saw the two people fighting in the sky.

Just a glance, Li Ang sneered: “The people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate are going to lose, the broken sword palm he cultivates is already pure, so there will be a very big limit on his strength, and the strength of the other party Zhang Qinglin is completely natural, obviously a very perfect set of martial arts, so the person from the Ao Mu Immortal Gate is definitely not his opponent.” ”

“So what should we do now?” Yun Xi looked at Li Ang with some hesitation and asked.

“I went up to cooperate with the people of the Ao Mu Xianmen, killed the other party, and then killed him while the strength of the people of the Ao Mu Xianmen had not recovered, so that the most threatening people in the venue would only be a few people.” Li Ang used a secret method to change his appearance slightly, and then his figure flew directly.

The aura of Ao Mu Divine Trick around him filled the air, and he shouted loudly: “Senior Brother, I’ll help you!” ”

The other True Emperor realm cultivators of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate and the cultivators of the Heavenly Emperor realm followed Li Ang’s footsteps and rushed towards Zhang Qinglin in the sky.

And the people of the Qingguang Immortal Gate were even more, with more than ten people, and they rushed towards the people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate without hesitation.

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