“The king’s sword has been forcibly refined?” The Demon King frowned, snorted coldly, and then waved his hand and said: “Little demons, start fighting against the Terran forces in the east and erode their territory.” ”

When his order was given, the demon clan forces began a new round of attack, and for a time, the entire human race became miserable.

Li Ang, who was standing in the sky at the moment, didn’t know this, but looked at the divine sword in his hand with a shocked face, and said: “This divine sword was actually cut off when the Lord of the Void was fighting with the Demon King, but the grade of this divine sword is really strong, if my sword skills are all used through this sword, then the combat power will be at least quadrupled.” ”

“Even if I directly fight the Demon King now, it is estimated that I will not be weak.” Li Ang said lightly.

And at this time, Yun Xi rushed over with a smile, looked at Li Ang and asked, “How is it?” You okay? ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Li Ang nodded with a smile, and after speaking, he tilted his head and said: “Let’s leave here now, collect two more silver tokens, and let us both leave this place.” ”

“Yes, it’s just that Zhang Qinglin of the Qingguang Immortal Gate are doing now, after all, they have a secret treasure and can know the location of the token, and we can only rely on luck to find the token, if we can find them, we can save a lot of things.” Young Master Yun Xi looked at Li Ang and said, “Otherwise, let’s go back, and then see Zhang Qinglin’s situation?” ”

“Zhang Qinglin them?” Li Ang shook his head and said: “It is estimated that they are unreliable, after all, they will only cooperate with us because of trading spirit fruits before, otherwise, it is estimated that they would have already started with us.” ”

“Therefore, you can’t find anyone to work with.” Li Ang said with a wise expression.

“Does this look like?” Yun Xi thought about it for a moment and said helplessly: “Okay, then, where do we go next?” ”

Just as these words fell, he saw a faint light in the sky in the distance suddenly bloom.

“Boom! ~” After this white light flashed, Li Ang smiled and said, “Let’s go there and see what good things are born.” ”

“Good.” Yun Xi is not stupid, naturally he can see that the light just now is the light that will only appear when the treasure is born.

After a short while, the two came to the place where the light had just bloomed, which was not a place where treasures bloomed, but a place similar to a mausoleum.

And the light just now bloomed in the coffin in the very middle.

Seeing this scene, Li Ang’s gaze changed somewhat.

[True Emperor Mausoleum, after breaking, you can obtain a medium-level True Emperor inheritance law. ] 】

“Shhh! ~ The law of life, if I can obtain it, it is estimated that when the time comes, I can let a dying person directly resurrect, right? Moreover, at that time, if I cooperate with the chapter in the Omu Divine Technique, I will have a better effect in giving birth to the Spirit Fruit Tree, and in this way, if I want the Spirit Fruit, I don’t need to wait for the Spirit Fruit Tree to improve, but can have it at any time. ”

When Li Ang thought of this, he had a trace of greed for the law of this life in his heart, and he didn’t want to think about it at the moment, so he rushed directly down.

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