In the next second, plus the nine Emperor Realm demons around, all of them left the secret realm.

When standing in the void, Li Ang saw the Lord of the Tai Void standing in front of him with a smile, took a deep breath, forced the thoughts in his heart, and said lightly: “These are twenty spirit fruits, can you let us go next?” ”

The Lord of the Tai Void nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand and took the spirit fruit, and said: “You can go, I hope you can restrain them, if I hear that they have begun to do evil again in the Tai Void Immortal Realm, I will go directly to you!” ”

“Don’t worry, I know.” Li Ang waved his hand, waved his sleeve, and left the place with everyone.

After flying for some distance, Yun Xi pouted and said, “I’ll take you back to the Firmament Immortal Gate.” ”

As soon as he finished saying this, the Lord of the Void appeared beside everyone again, and said with a smile: “Okay, hand over the gold token and silver token, it’s useless for you to keep this thing.” ”

“Good.” Li Ang nodded, waved Jiang and handed him the things. Yun Xi, who was on the side, pinched a seal in his hand and then released a flying boat, and after everyone made the flying boat, the flying boat started itself and flew rapidly in the direction of the Firmament Immortal Gate.

After a long time, seeing that the Lord of the Tai Void did not chase after him, Li Ang let out a sigh of relief, looked at Yun Xi on the side and said: “Young Master Yun Xi, after we go back, we have to start preparing to deal with the people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, when the time comes, you can rest assured to cultivate well, if you need a spirit fruit, remember to tell me.” Li Ang said with a shallow smile.

Listening to Li Ang’s words, Yun Xi’s little face flushed with a hint of blush, and secretly thought in his heart: “He actually cares about me, can it be said that he likes me?” Thinking of this, Young Master Yun Xi nodded very obediently and said, “Don’t worry, I know.” ”

“Hmm.” Li Ang nodded, didn’t say much, and then found a room in the flying boat, and then began to meditate and cultivate in the room.

“Now my perception has completely exceeded the level of the early stage of the Heavenly Emperor, so as long as I raise the realm, it is estimated that I will not encounter any realm obstacles.” Li Ang thought in his heart, and then took out two spirit fruits in his storage space, put them in his mouth and ate them directly.

In the next second, I only saw that the realm aura on Li Ang’s body began to rise frantically, but in a short time, it began to break through layer by layer, the third layer, the fourth layer, and the fifth layer of the Heavenly Emperor realm… It wasn’t until it reached the seventh layer of the Heavenly Emperor realm that the effects of these two spirit fruits slowly dissipated.

“Phew! ~ Just two spirit fruits, let my cultivation reach the late stage of the Heavenly Emperor realm, this effect is really good. Li Ang secretly sighed in his heart, then took out all the golden pills, and said with a smile: “These golden pills are all things that those cultivators turned into, if I eat them, it will also improve my cultivation very well.” ”

“In that case, let’s eat these golden pills and polish the realm first, and then continue to break through.” After Li Ang finished his words with a shallow smile, he threw these golden pills into his mouth like pouring beans.

Because they are all golden pills transformed by very pure power, as soon as these golden pills enter their mouths, they all turn into immortal qi.


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