After they swallowed the spirit fruit, they relied on the inheritance exercise of the Akatsuki Immortal Gate that Li Ang gave them, and their cultivation continued to soar like a rocket.

It’s just half a year, and one hundred and twenty-seven people have stepped into the early stage of the pseudo-emperor realm.

And on this day, the sky above the Hall of Eternal Life, as if surrounded by thunder tribulation, everyone felt boundless oppression, because there were too many people breaking through at the same time here, so that the thunder tribulation was superimposed.

And Li Ang, who had been participating in the law of life in the main hall, also broke through the barrier on this day, stood in the air, looked at the many Emperor Realm disciples behind him, and said with a shallow smile: “All disciples obey the order, everyone is ready to overcome the calamity!” ”

At the same time, the sect’s divine beast snake demon king flew over with a solemn face, opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of immortal qi, and then shrouded the sect, forming a very thin defensive light cover.

The other Emperor Realm demons in the sect made a move, condensing into a light shield based on their own immortal qi, covering everyone’s heads.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Li Ang nodded lightly and said with a shallow smile: “Everyone be careful, the thunder calamity is coming.” ”

“Boom! ~”

In an instant, I only saw the thunder tribulation that was ten thousand feet wide, and it fell directly, extremely strong and powerful, making people unable to look directly, and no pseudo-emperor present could compete with it.

Seeing this, Li Ang shook his head helplessly and said, “It seems that I still have to make a move.” ”

I only saw that when the Thunder Tribulation encountered the protective shield of the snake demon king, it did not even pause, and it directly penetrated through the layers of protective cover, and then it was about to fall into the Hall of Eternal Life.

Seeing this, Li Ang waved his hand, and when he boarded, a big hand that covered the sky appeared under the thunder calamity, and then a very strange force condensed out, directly pulling this boundless thunder and lightning over, and then kneading it together, forming a huge ball with a diameter of about 10,000 meters composed of the power of thunder and lightning.

“Collect it for me!”

Li Ang opened his storage space, and then sent the power of thunder and lightning directly into it, with a secret method, directly integrated into the fruit tree, and then the entire fruit tree gradually grew more than five thousand zhang, plus the blessing of Li Ang’s life law, so that the growth rate became faster and faster.

In just a few moments, it was already at the top of the storage space.

Just when Li Ang was a little worried about this, he only saw that the storage space, as the fruit trees grew, was gradually expanded and became even bigger than the original space.

In fact, before, Li Ang also thought about moving the fruit tree out, but in the process of trying, Li Ang found that this fruit tree may produce spiritual intelligence, so as to transform into a person, if it is really like this, then he can not get these spiritual fruits, so for the greater good, he can only put it in the storage space.

With the growth of the spirit fruit tree, Li Ang’s complexion was also slightly joyful.

And in the sky, the second and third thunder tribulations began to fall.

In the beginning, Li Ang was still able to resist reluctantly, but in the back, when there were too many thunderbolts, even Li Ang could not resist, because after all, he was only the strength of the late Heavenly Emperor, and there were only two more great realms than their realm.

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