“It’s already good to be able to survive the thunder calamity, next, the people in the first two rows of you take a step forward, and the rest stand in place.” Li Ang looked at these people and said slowly.

And the people in the first two rows, together there are also twenty people, when they took a step forward, Li Ang nodded lightly and said: “Twenty of you, you will be in the Hall of Eternal Life, in the position of deacon elder, responsible for helping to manage some trivial affairs in the sect, now you can leave to report to Xu Qianqian, he will take you to deal with these appointments.” ”

“Yes!” After these people answered, they left this place directly, while there were forty-nine people left, looking at them, Li Ang said with a shallow smile: “Next, I want to teach you a secret method, and after that, you forty-nine people will start to help me cultivate spiritual fruits day and day.” ”

Subsequently, Li Ang taught them the method of integrating external forces into flowers and trees in the Ao Mu Divine Technique, and then looked at them and said with a light smile: “After some time, I will specifically let Xu Qianqian set aside an area within the sect for planting fruit trees, and those fruit trees are the fruit trees that you need to cultivate.” ”

“I’ll obey the order! ~”The many cultivators of the pseudo-emperor realm standing outside the main hall of the Hall of Eternal Life answered very seriously.

Because they all know that they can now have the cultivation of the pseudo-emperor realm because of the person in front of them.

Otherwise, it is estimated that a large part of them will have to live in the shadow of inaction for the rest of their lives.

“Well, then you will understand what I taught you, and it will take about five years, after all, I don’t have much to pass on to you, as long as you are willing to work hard.”

“Even if you can successfully comprehend things in a year, of course, if you comprehend things, at that time, you can leave early and go out to practice for a year or two.”

When Leon finished speaking.

I see.

These cultivators of the pseudo-emperor realm poured into the side hall next to the sect master hall of the Immortal Hall.

When Li Ang saw this scene, he also nodded lightly, did not say anything, turned around quietly, and walked straight into his sect master’s hall, sitting cross-legged in the air, his consciousness sank into his storage space, looking at the spirit fruits piled up high, Li Ang had a burst of joy in his heart.

Because these spiritual fruits can make the people of the Hall of Eternal Life get a good improvement, and at the same time, they can also improve their strength.

“Now the height of this spirit fruit tree has reached a height of more than 60,000 feet, and because of the spirit stones below and the accumulation of spirit fruits, it is still in the process of growing.” Li Ang said lightly, and he had some thoughts in his heart.

“The improvement of this spirit fruit tree has also increased the size of my storage space, making my understanding of space one step closer, which is really amazing enough.” Li Ang laughed shallowly, and then allowed this spirit fruit tree to continue to grow in his storage space, while he took out two spirit fruits, and then threw them into his mouth and ate them.

In an instant, the mighty immortal energy surged around Li Ang, and then it was all absorbed by Li Ang.

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