So for a while, the people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate organized manpower, nearly thirty strong people of the pseudo-god realm, with nearly five thousand emperor realm cultivators, sat on a huge flying boat and launched an attack towards the Firmament Immortal Gate.

And the people of the Firmament Immortal Gate still don’t know these things, because the distance between the two Immortal Gates is also relatively far, if you want to rush to the place, it will take at least more than seventy years.

In the Hall of Eternal Life, Li Ang, who has been at ease to understand the laws of life, finally made a move, and in the space around the whole person, suddenly many insects and beasts grew out of nothing, and died in a split second, as if deprived of life, these insects and beasts died countless years ago, and now they are awakened by Li Ang.

After seeing his ability, Li Ang took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and began to let the immortal energy in his body and the power of the condensed law continue to merge, and gradually gathered together in his dantian.

With the passage of time, a turquoise pseudo-godhead gradually formed, and the size of this pseudo-godhead continued to increase with the amount of immortal energy that Li Ang transported in.

Li Ang knew that the pseudo-godhead condensed by some geniuses was as big as a hundred zhang, while some demons above the genius were thousands of zhang, and the size of this pseudo-godhead was completely determined by the amount of immortal energy stored and the degree of comprehension of the law.

Li Ang gritted his teeth and transported almost all the immortal qi in his body, the pseudo-godhead condensed nearly eight hundred zhang, if the transmission of immortal qi was stopped at this time, it is estimated that even if Li Ang broke through to the pseudo-god realm, he would be an ordinary pseudo-god.

Thinking of this, Li Ang snorted softly and said, “I may lack anything else, but I can take such a thing as immortal qi!” ”

Then Li Ang took out the spirit fruit in his storage space, and then swallowed it, and the next moment, the boundless immortal energy began to continue to be transported into the pseudo-godhead, and the speed became a little faster.

Time passed year by year, and the spiritual fruits in Li Ang’s storage space had consumed several thousand, and the size of the pseudo-godhead had reached a terrifying 90,000 zhang, and at the same time, a breath of life bloomed above the entire godhead.

Li Ang let out a faint breath and said with a smile: “This pseudo-godhead condensed to such a large extent, but it really took me a lot of effort, but I feel that I can still continue to condense.” ”

With the passage of time, when Li Ang’s pseudo-godhead condensed to 99,999 zhang, a huge noise suddenly erupted in the sky.

“Boom! The terrifying sound directly pulled Li Ang back from his state of cultivation.

Because in the sky, one after another flying boats appeared, and each flying boat was full of emperor realm powerhouses, and at the same time carried the unique logo of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate.

“Huh, Li Tianxuan! I, Omu Xianmen, came to seek revenge, and I didn’t come out quickly to die? ”

The extremely domineering voice came down directly, and Li Ang in the main hall of the sect was stunned after hearing the voice, and then because the immortal energy transmission stopped, the pseudo-godhead suddenly bloomed an incomparably brilliant light, and the entire pseudo-godhead was condensed in an instant.

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