After being kicked on the flying boat, Ao Kun understood that Li Ang now was not at all able to fight against him, and turned around in grief and indignation for a while, and drove the flying boat to turn around and fly back in the direction of Ao Mu Xianmen.

At this time, Li Ang snorted coldly, and then turned around and rushed in the direction of the Firmament Immortal Gate.

After all, I don’t know if what Ao Kun said is true, if it is true, then the Firmament Immortal Gate should already be a very dangerous situation now.

If the Firmament Immortal Gate is gone, then his Immortal Hall will also become in danger at that time.

After all, in this too virtual immortal world, some immortal gates without territory, but there are countless of them, if you take a fancy to this place, then you will definitely come and grab it at that time.

At that time, his own Eternal Life Hall will be the preferred target of attack, and if it is at that time, it is estimated that the stable life of the Eternal Life Hall will come to an end.

When he thought of this, Li Ang accelerated his speed a little, but after just a few steps, Li Ang had already come directly outside the big array of the Firmament Immortal Gate.

It can be seen that outside the Firmament Immortal Gate, there are countless flying boats, which are emitting beams of light and attacking towards the Immortal Gate, while the large array of the Firmament Immortal Gate is constantly buzzing and flashing brilliance, and it seems that it is almost impossible to resist.

Seeing this, Li Ang snorted coldly, and then waved his big hand, and when he boarded, he saw the people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate in front of him, and one after another fell directly on the flying boat, and the majestic vitality was directly sent into the storage space by Li Ang to nourish the spirit fruit tree that he had cultivated for a long time.

Today’s spirit fruit trees are also developing towards hundreds of thousands of feet, and their own storage space is also constantly expanding.

Li Ang snorted coldly, and then said: “The people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate still dare to make a move against the Firmament Immortal Gate? It’s really daring, since I Li Tianxuan is here, you don’t have to leave today. ”

After speaking, Li Ang’s hand shook, and he directly took out the Cangyun Sword, and then cut out a sword, and in an instant, he only saw that these flying boats that were still standing alive were directly slashed into the air by Li Ang’s sword.

Before these people could come to their senses, Li Ang directly extracted all their vitality and transformed it into his storage space.

When the people of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate outside the sky were killed, the large array of the Cangyuan Immortal Gate slowly dispersed, and the Cangyuan ancestor and the Cangkun ancestor flew out one after another and came to Li Ang, asking with a worried look: “Li Ang, how is the situation over there?” You’re not hurt, are you? ”

Hearing their concern, Li Ang smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I have broken through to the pseudo-god realm, there is nothing to do, the rest of these flying boats, all belong to the Firmament Immortal Gate to use,”

“Then, how much has your pseudo-godhead condensed?” Old Ancestor Cangkun asked with some concern at this time.

In fact, no one can ask this question normally, after all, it belongs to Li Ang’s secret.

But Li Ang knew that this was for his own good, so he said with a smile: “Only 99,999 zhang has been condensed, and it is still one zhang away from reaching 100,000 zhang, but unfortunately it was disturbed by them, and the pseudo-godhead has been condensed.” ”

Hearing the words, Old Ancestor Cang Kun and Old Ancestor Cang Yuan gasped.

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