After hearing what Li Ang said, Yun Xi, who was standing on the side, nodded lightly, and said: “In that case, then, the next step will be handed over to you, just so I will see how your means are”

“After all, I haven’t really seen it before, and this time I just have an opportunity to see how strong your strength is.”

After hearing what Yun Xi said, Li Ang nodded lightly, grinned and said, “Just watch, how did I directly kill all these people in a while.” ”

Li Ang’s expression was indifferent: “These people, together, can’t last half an hour, like ants.” ”

After Li Ang finished speaking, he saw that Li Ang disappeared directly, and when he appeared, he had already come directly to the sky, looking at those people on the opposite side: “Just with these wine bags and rice bags of yours, you still want to beat me?”

It’s just wishful thinking. ”

Li Ang snorted coldly and said, “Next, let you see what true strength is, so that you don’t come back to me every time!” ”


A dead word fell.

Li Ang waved his hand directly,

Then, I saw that the flowers and trees that were originally growing around and those elixirs, they began to grow unscrupulously, and the speed could be described as extremely fast.

However, in the blink of an eye, it has grown to the position where Li Ang is standing.

And in the next second, these things seemed to be given life by Li Ang, and in an instant, fearful thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and in an instant, thunder and lightning fell one after another.

When they saw this scene, the people around the Omu Immortal Gate were all shocked, but they didn’t expect that this Ao Mu God, who they had cultivated for countless years, would have such a use? For a time, they were directly stunned by their eyeballs, and when countless heavenly thunders fell, they knew that this was not fake, but real thunderbolts.

However, in the blink of an eye, I saw the thunder and lightning around me directly rumbling down, and hit them directly without mercy.

However, in a blink of an eye, I saw that these people’s bodies were beaten blue and purple, Li Ang snorted coldly, grabbed the long sword in his hand, stepped on it, and rushed out directly, the speed was so fast that people could not capture the figure, and in the next second, he saw a sword light sweeping up, and then countless heads flew up.


Seeing this scene, the cultivator in the late stage of the pseudo-god realm was directly frightened, and he did not expect that this person’s strength could be so strong, and under his own nose, he dared to make such a move.

“Damn boy, you’re pissing me off, watch how I kill you in a moment!” After this cultivator of the late pseudo-god realm of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate finished speaking, he directly flew up and killed in the direction of Li Ang.

But after a while, the two fought together.

At the moment of the exchange, Li Ang was stunned, because the power of the law coming from the opposite side was very weak, it can be said that it was already negligible, feeling this, after unhurriedly punching out a palm, forcing the other party back, Li Ang grinned and said: “I said how come there are so many cultivators of the pseudo-god realm in the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, it turns out that they are all used to top up.” ”

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