When he saw this scene, Li Ang also snorted coldly, without the slightest hesitation, the long sword in his hand directly pierced over, the speed can be described as extremely fast, but it was just a moment’s effort, and he came directly to this person.

When he saw this scene, this cultivator in the late stage of the pseudo-god realm was directly stunned, because he had not seen a sword cultivator who could have such a murderous aura, but such a sword cultivator, if he saw his sword shattered by his own palm, it was estimated that he would be shocked, right?

However, these were just thoughts between thoughts, and the long sword came to this person in a blink of an eye.

“Broken sword palm! ~” The man shouted loudly, and then struck directly in the direction of Li Ang with a palm, without the slightest hesitation, and the attacks of the two collided directly in the air.

“Crash! ~” With a loud noise, I only saw that the long sword in Li Ang’s hand was directly shattered by the palm of the man opposite.

In an instant, the fragment of this long sword was controlled by Li Ang and killed towards the man.

The shards of the long sword attached to the immortal qi were like small shooting stars, penetrating this person’s body without pause.

In the next second, Li Ang waved his hand, and saw this person’s vitality, crazy flowing, several times faster than before, because his body has flaws at the moment, so his vitality will pass faster than just now.

“Damn guy, you dare to absorb my life force, it’s just looking for death!” This man is also really angry, and more, it is shocked, because his life force, he can feel that there is very little left, if Li Ang continues to absorb, then, at that time, he will definitely be sucked into dry.

When he thought of this, the man also made a quick decision, turned around and ran, Li Ang saw the scene of him turning around and fleeing, grinned and said: “If you were as big as me, maybe you might not be able to die so quickly, but if you escape, then you will definitely die, and you will die faster.” ”

Just seeing the vitality of this person, it was instantly evacuated by Li Ang, and the rich vitality power was directly gathered on Li Ang’s body, and the next second, it was all absorbed into his dantian and fused into the pseudo-godhead.

Feeling the change in his strength, Li Ang grinned, and then prepared to continue to rush towards the people of the Omu Immortal Gate, plundering all their vitality onto himself.

At this moment, Yun Xi, who was not far away, said in a loud voice: “Li Ang, you don’t want to absorb their vitality, if your pseudo-godhead cultivation law power is too much, even if you use the pseudo-god flower, you will not be able to raise your pseudo-godhead to the level of 100,000 zhang.” ”

Listening to Yun Xi’s words, Li Ang was suddenly stunned, could it be that the power of cultivating his own laws still has an impact on his pseudo-godhead? When he thought of this, Li Ang could only give up absorbing their vitality in order to ensure that his pseudo-godhead could still have room for improvement.

But when he thought of the spirit fruit tree in his storage space, Li Ang sneered and said, “Although I can’t absorb your vitality, I have something to absorb.” ”

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