“Ten Wood Auspicious Stones…”

“Door Master, after I went to collect the goods and came back, I suddenly found that there were more than 20 wood of the Auspicious Stone in the bag, and I didn’t know how to dispose of it, so I handed it over to you to deal with.”

Li Wen looked panicked, and twenty Auspicious Stones were put into his pocket, but he didn’t even realize that the other party’s cultivation was definitely above him. Twenty Auspicious stones, if they are leaked out and found by others, I am afraid that they will not be able to return to the spaceship.

Li Ang bowed his head, frowned slightly, picked up an upright stone and put it in his hand. The green gemstone shimmers indoors, leaking from the fingertips, bringing a cold breath, and the aura is like a white wandering dragon churning inside the gemstone.

The mysterious meaning of the wood was withdrawn from the stone, and then faintly entered the hand, pouring into the meridians one by one, and as soon as it met the hot qi and blood in the body, it was poured together, entangled and connected into a force, opening up the veins in the body.

After Li Ang absorbed an auspicious stone, his breath became a little deeper. The originally brilliant Auspicious Stone in his hand also turned into an ordinary stone, but the word “Tianyuan” faintly appeared on the surface, as red as blood, as if there were ominous signs.

Li Ang was about to say something, but the Aoyi stone suddenly turned into a ball of powder, dissolved into the palm of his hand, expanded from the blood veins in his hand, the speed was fast, the whole arm slowly bulged, filled with purple poisonous gas, Li Ang watched, but the arm seemed to be paralyzed, and he couldn’t move a finger.

“Lord Door!”

Seeing that Li Ang’s state was not right, Li Wen exclaimed, and was confused at the moment, and hurriedly rushed up, so he wanted to input mana and attack poison with poison.

Li Ang raised his hand to stop him, Li Wenxiu was not enough, and it was harmful to enter rashly.

This is a secret poison method, mixed with the breath of the dead in the wood of the mystical stone, and this dead person is not an ordinary person, at least a god-level immortal, this force is very domineering, if it is a person who cannot withstand this force, when the poison gas enters the body, it will bleed and die violently.

Who wants to kill him so much? Li Ang felt a little taste of blood in his mouth, fortunately, if it was an ordinary pseudo-immortal, I am afraid that he would have died violently long ago.

Still underestimating each other, Li Ang raised a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth. Close your eyes and hold your breath to catch your breath. The immortal qi stored in the dantian surged upwards, like a cluster of arrows rushing towards the encroached bloodline.

The purple poisonous gas was like a tangled poisonous snake, opening its mouth of blood basin, gnawing the flesh and blood one bite at a time, but when the poisonous gas came into contact with the immortal qi, it was not as strong as before.

A sharp pain came from the palm of his hand, and a drop of sweat flowed from the corner of Li Ang’s forehead, and he exerted more power, finally defeating the poisonous gas and forcing it to retreat.

But just when the poisonous gas was about to overflow into the palm of his hand, Li Ang wrapped it layer by layer with immortal qi, and unwilling jealousy, anger, resentment and full of resentment filled this cloud of gods, and it roared to come out.

Li Ang was not in a hurry, and the poisonous gas slowly became calm, the purple color faded, and the immortal gas wrapped in poisonous gas sent it into the body, and after absorbing this poisonous gas, Li Ang found that his exercises had risen to another level.

Hmph, this Upanishment Stone not only couldn’t kill him, but it also became his help. Li Ang calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.

“I’m okay.” Li Ang said lightly, flipped open the map, and said, “Inform all the crew, rectify immediately, and go to the Tianyuan Immortal World!” “He wants to see who is behind this.”

Seeing that his face improved, Li Wen only thought that he had done something wrong, and the new student felt guilty and obeyed the order to walk out of the room.

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