Li Ang’s thoughts were wandering, and several miscellaneous servants of the Ao Shen Clan were already under the command of that man, chasing after the thief who stole the spirit fruit before.

In the whole town, because of this episode, chickens and dogs jumped, but no one dared to show the slightest dissatisfaction, in the Tianyuan Immortal World, the Ao God Clan is a behemoth, no one wants to offend the people of the Ao God Clan because of a little thing, that is completely self-inflicted.

However, Li Ang didn’t care about the Ao God Race, for him, he just wanted to find out whether this so-called Ao God Race was related to the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, and why the Ao God Race had its own portrait and wanted him everywhere.

“Lord Gate, do you need subordinates….?” Li Wen, who was standing on the side, saw what Li Ang was thinking and asked again.

Li Ang’s gaze first glanced at the group of Ao Shen clans below the restaurant, and then ordered; “Disguise yourself a little, go and inquire about those around, see where this Ao God Clan is sacred, and in addition, try to find out as much as possible why the Ao God Clan wants me.”

“Obey the order!”

Li Wen immediately led the order, mixed in with the onlookers, his eyes kept rolling, and at the same time pretended to be sincere and fearful and asked the people around him; “Dare to ask this big brother, what is the origin of this Ao God Clan, I see that everyone seems to be afraid of them.”

The person who was questioned glanced at Li Wen as if he was looking at a fool, but still explained to him in a deep voice; “You don’t even know about the Ao God Clan, presumably it’s not from my Tianyuan Immortal Realm, right?”

“The eldest brother’s eyes are like torches, yes, from outside the boundary.”

“No wonder you don’t know the Ao God Clan, I kindly remind you that in the Tianyuan Immortal World, the Ao God Clan is definitely one of the forces that cannot be provoked, provoking the Ao God Clan, it is not far from death.”

Hearing this, Li Wen just nodded silently, and had a preliminary judgment on the status of the Ao Shen Clan in the Tianyuan Immortal World, and he pointed to the portrait of Li Ang and asked; “Then I don’t know if the eldest brother knows who this person wanted by the Ao Shen Clan is?”

“You said the person on the portrait?” The man looked at the portrait, shook his head and said; “The devil knows who this person is, but looking at the posture of the Ao God Clan, it must be immortal with this person, otherwise he would not have taken out a superb spiritual fruit because of him, or a spiritual fruit of the water system, that is a genius earth treasure-level existence, ordinary and unobtainable!”

As the man spoke, his eyes couldn’t help but glow with Dao heat, and it seemed that he was also extremely excited about the reward he provided to the Ao God Clan.

And after inquiring about the news he wanted, Li Wen no longer stayed, hurriedly returned to the restaurant, found Li Ang, and bowed down; “Returning to the sect master, these onlookers around don’t know why the Ao God Clan wants the door master, but the power of the Ao God Clan in the Tian Yuan Immortal World should be not small, and the Ao God Clan seems to hate the door master to the bone, otherwise they would not use the ultimate spirit fruit as a reward.”

Listening to Li Wen’s report, Li Ang was silent, he has practiced so far, how many dangers he has experienced, one Ao God Clan is not enough to make him retreat, he just has an idea, the Ao God Clan may really be related to the Ao Mu Immortal Gate.

Of course, to confirm this idea, follow-up confirmation is needed, and Li Ang immediately waved his hand; “Go back to the ship first, Li Wen, you then take a few people to quietly follow these people of the Ao Shen Clan, find an opportunity to capture them alive, and bring them to see me!”

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