At this time, Li Ang turned around, and a pair of ancient and waveless eyes quietly stared at these Ao Shen people in front of him.

“It’s you!”

After seeing Li Ang’s appearance clearly, the man at the head suddenly exclaimed, and he suddenly recognized that the young man in front of him was Li Ang, who was wanted by the Ao Shen Clan at great cost!

“Yes, I am a wanted person by your Aushen Clan, but I am curious, I have never had contact with your Aushen Clan, why are you wantonly wanted me?”

“This…” The man at the head was stunned for a while, as to why the Ao Shen Clan wanted Li Ang, of course, he knew in his heart, but in front of Li Ang, the murderer, if he said the real reason, he was afraid that he would not be far from death.

“Why, you don’t know, or don’t you want to say it?” Li Ang walked up to the leading man and showed a smile.

But his smile seemed like a devil’s smile to the head man, and it seemed extremely terrifying!

Li Wen interjected at this time: “You guys, if you know something, hurry up and say, wanted by our sect master, you Ao God Clan is not small, if you want to live, you must obediently tell the truth, otherwise, die!” ”

Li Wen said, and also compared a gesture of wiping their necks towards the group of Ao Shen tribesmen, and the expression on his face was also how fierce and fierce.

Not to mention, Li Wen’s intimidation is really very effective, and many people of the Ao Shen tribe cried and shouted and said to the man who was the leader; “Adult, you still said it, if you don’t say it, we won’t live.”

Seeing this, the head man let out a long sigh and said with a somewhat lonely expression; “Senior, in fact, I don’t know why the clan issued a wanted warrant for you, but I heard others in the clan say that it was because the seniors destroyed the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, so the elders in the clan were furious, so they wanted to launch a wanted arrest against the seniors.”

“Oh, is it really related to the Ao Mu Immortal Gate.” Leon nodded silently and asked; “What is the connection between the Ao Mu Immortal Gate and your Ao God Clan?”

The leading man is now also a bare one, since they all spoke, they don’t care about saying anything more, and immediately said without concealment; “Ao Mu Immortal Gate is a branch of the Ao God Clan, it can also be said that it is a member of my Ao God Clan, the predecessor destroyed the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, it is equivalent to hitting my Ao God Race in the face, my Ao God Race naturally has to ask the senior for an explanation, after all, my race has a respected status in the Tianyuan Immortal World, if you do not respond to the destruction of the Ao Mu Immortal Gate, I am afraid that other God Races will look down on it.”

“So it is.” Li Ang slowly paced on the deck, he now figured out the reason why the Ao Shen Clan wanted him, but since Liang Zi had already bonded, he had to find a way to solve it, but for the Ao God Clan, Li Ang was completely blind and did not understand anything.

“What’s your name, any position in the Ao Shen Clan?” Do you know the details of the person who hid in the shadows before? What is the overall strength of the Ao Shen Clan? ”

Immediately, Li Ang’s question was like a cannon to the leading man.

The man at the head is also very knowledgeable about practical matters, and explained to Li Ang one by one.

“Under the name Ao Xu, he is just a foreign clan elder in the Ao God Clan, who was ordered to go to all parts of the Tianyuan Immortal World to distribute the wanted warrant for the seniors.”

“And the person who hid in the shadows before, named Ao Xuan, has the cultivation of the peak of the True Emperor, and is an inner deacon.”

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