“No matter who you are or what your status is, if you dare to do something to the people around me, you will definitely die!”

Li Ang’s voice was like thunder, his lips and teeth opened and closed, shaking the entire Juxian Pavilion, and Ao Xu’s eyes widened, this was the first time he saw Li Ang’s true strength.

“Such a terrifying momentum, it seems that I still underestimate this person too much, unless the twelve gods in the inner clan personally intervene, the people sent by the Ao God Clan to arrest Li Ang are just a group of local chickens and tile dogs, which are vulnerable!”

Ao Xu couldn’t help but shake his head at the Juxian Pavilion, the Juxian Pavilion of the Heaven-shaking Yuan Immortal World, I am afraid that it will be kicked to the iron plate today, and if he does not pay a little price, presumably Li Ang will not give up easily.

And the one who shot in the pavilion was Jiang Tianming, the city lord of Taia City, nine times out of ten, after all, Li Wen killed his two servants, although it was insignificant, but it was related to personal face problems.

All the strong people who have cultivated to the emperor realm attach great importance to their own face, not to mention that Jiang Tianming, a strong person in the divine realm, is a city lord.

“Who is Your Excellency? Can you give me the name, there may be some misunderstanding between you and me. ”

Suddenly, a voice full of breath came from the Juxian Pavilion, and it seemed that after seeing Li Ang’s strength, the one who made the move was a little jealous.

However, Li Ang is not a good kind, seeing Li Wen being severely injured, how can he easily bypass the other party.

I saw that Li Ang took a step forward, his whole body momentum condensed again, and a crimson sword phantom condensed in front of him, and the terrifying edge shocked those who saw it.

“My name is Leon, since you hurt my people, you will have to pay the price, peace talks? Eat me a sword! ”

After saying that, Li Ang pointed like a sword, and with a light stroke in mid-air, the Akatsuki sword method was unleashed, and the crimson sword shadow slashed towards Juxian Pavilion with the power of Wan Jun!


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and a golden red light curtain suddenly appeared above the Juxian Pavilion, and there was a faint sound of dragons and phoenixes!

The crimson sword light was blocked by this golden light curtain, and it was impossible to score half a point, but it made Li Ang frown slightly.

The sword just now, but using forty percent of his strength, even ordinary pseudo-god realm powerhouses did not dare to take it hard, but he did not expect to be blocked by the magic array of Juxian Pavilion, which somewhat surprised him.

At this time, an old man’s face appeared in the sky above Juxian Pavilion, with a bright head and a pair of eyes, there seemed to be thousands of stars flowing.

“Tenjin?” Li Ang’s expression tightened, and he quickly returned to normal, “No, it’s the peak of true gods!” ”

“Your Excellency is inevitably too domineering, although I Juxian Pavilion does not participate in the struggle between forces, but it is not at the mercy of others, and I hope that Your Excellency will retreat so as not to hurt the harmony!”

The shadow of Juxian Pavilion’s catchy face slowly spoke, his tone was flat, but it contained an unquestionable taste, as if he was telling a very ordinary thing.

Li Ang put his hand behind him, stared at the face of the old man in the sky, and said word by word; “Juxian Pavilion? I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of it before, and naturally I won’t give you any face! Hand over the one who shot before, otherwise, die! ”

When the words fell, Li Ang’s eyes were red, and the void around him was even more flickering with countless subtle sword qi, tearing apart the surrounding void!

Apparently planning to not retreat half a step!

The old man above the Juxian Pavilion looked at Li Ang with a chagrin, and he was very unhappy in his heart, thinking when he Juxian Pavilion had been so despised.

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