When the middle-aged man heard this, his heart was secretly happy, he understood that he had gambled correctly, and Li Ang was really interested in the secret realm he proposed, so that he and others might be able to save their lives.

Immediately, the middle-aged man did not dare to hide the slightest thing, and gave all the news he knew to Li Ang.

“Senior, as far as I know, in the near future, there will be an ancient secret realm opened in our Northern Immortal Domain Tianbaran Mountain Range, and that secret realm is called Lingqing Secret Realm, I believe that many people in the Northern Immortal Domain have heard of the honorific name Lingqing.”

“Oh? Is this Lingqing famous? Li Ang asked curiously.

Ao Xu came out at this time and said; “The seniors don’t know, in the heyday of the Tianyuan Immortal World, there were five immortal kings, one in each of the five immortal domains, and this Lingqing secret realm must be left by the Lingqing Immortal King of the Northern Immortal Domain.”

“It’s actually a secret realm left by the Immortal King!” Li Wen and Xu Lianqian both opened their mouths wide, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

The shock and surprise in Li Ang’s heart were no less than Li Wen and Xu Qianyian, if the Lingqing Secret Realm was really a secret realm left by an immortal king, it definitely had a genius earth treasure that allowed him to make a breakthrough.

Spiritual Clarity Secret Realm! I must go, I must go, this secret realm is very likely to make Li Ang soar into the sky and completely break through the shackles!

“That senior, I don’t know if the Spiritual Clearing Secret Realm I mentioned is still satisfactory to you?” Seeing that Li Ang’s expression was full of joy, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but ask tentatively.

Li Ang glanced at the cautious middle-aged man and said with a smile; “The Lingqing Secret Realm is what I urgently need now, but what the specific situation is, I have to wait until I see it with my own eyes, so you have to go with me!”

“What!” The middle-aged man subconsciously exclaimed, never expected that Li Ang would come out like this, he just wanted to use the news of the Lingqing Secret Realm in exchange for his own safety, but he never thought of going to some Lingqing Secret Realm with Li Ang.

After all, since that Lingqing Secret Realm was left by the Immortal King, although there were many opportunities inside, it was also dangerous, and the middle-aged man had self-knowledge, and with his strength, entering the Lingqing Secret Realm was completely a dead and lifeless ending.

However, Li Ang didn’t care what the middle-aged man thought, for the Northern Immortal Domain and the Lingqing Secret Realm, he was in a state of blackening his eyes, and someone who knew the general situation had to guide him.

Although Ao Xu knows the Northern Immortal Domain very well, after all, he is a person from the Ao God Clan, and there is a gap between him and him, while the middle-aged man is clean-rooted, so there is no need to worry too much about him secretly making a bad move.

The middle-aged man was still a little undead and wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Li Ang raising his hand.

“Okay, it’s good that you provide information about the Lingqing Secret Realm, I can bypass your previous behavior, but it is my bottom line to let you walk with me, if you don’t want to, I can send you to reunite with that ancient pavilion master underground, I think he is also very lonely alone.”

Hearing the chill and murderous intent revealed in Li Ang’s tone, the middle-aged man hurriedly shut up and did not dare to say more, like a well-behaved puppy walking to the side without saying a word.

“What’s your name?” Leon asked.

The middle-aged man hurriedly replied; “In Shimomayashi Yiming, a vulgar name, not enough to worry about.”

“Hmm.” Li Ang just nodded and didn’t say anything, Lin Yiming only had the cultivation of the pseudo-emperor, which was really not worth his attention.

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