However, no matter how reluctant Lin Yiming and Ao Xu are, Li Ang is now in control of their life and death, and they have no other way but to obey.

They knew very well in their hearts that if they dared to say a word, they were afraid that they would not die in the hands of the fierce beast, but would die in the hands of Li Ang first.

In desperation, Lin Yiming and Ao Yu had to follow Li Ang in a depressed mood, and walked towards the depths of the Tianbaran Mountain Range little by little.

The deeper they walked into the Tianman Mountain Range, Li Ang and the others found that the surrounding environment was getting wider and wider, the ancient trees were towering, and even the blazing sun hanging high in the sky could not be scattered into the mountain range through the dense branches and leaves.

“Such a strong qi, it seems that there are not a few fierce beasts hidden in this Tianbarian Mountain Range, and this rich to the extreme level of qi alone is enough to stop many people.”

Li Ang’s eyes showed a strange color, and he kept looking around, and the immortal power in his body gradually began to mobilize to prevent unpredictable accidents.

Lin Yiming and Ao Xu’s faces were also quite ugly at this time, both of them only had the cultivation of the pseudo-emperor realm, feeling the rich qi around them, their own immortal power began to condense, and their hearts kept drumming.

“Door Master, how can I feel that something is wrong with the atmosphere around me, I always feel that there are a pair of eyes staring at us in the dark!”

Li Wen reminded Li Ang at this time.

Upon hearing this, Li Ang frowned slightly, he did not notice the abnormality that Li Wen said, but he was convinced of Li Wen’s words.

After all, Li Wen is a rare person that Li Ang trusts.

Therefore, Li Ang turned his head to look at Li Wen and said; “Tell me how you feel, maybe I’m missing something.”

“Yes, Master.”

Immediately, Li Wen’s eyes rolled a few times, and he said slowly; “Actually, my feeling is not very clear, but I vaguely feel that somewhere, there are a pair of hidden eyes watching us, and the door master you don’t think that the anger here is too strong.”

Speaking of this, Li Ang’s expression changed abruptly, Li Wen was right, although the fierce beasts of the Tianbarian Mountain Range gathered, the qi here could not be so strong and serious.

There must be demons when things are abnormal, and the peculiarity of the temper here must have its sake, which made Li Ang immediately vigilant.

“Li Wen, Slim, you are optimistic about Lin Yiming and Ao Xu, there may be fierce beasts around!”

As soon as Li Ang’s voice fell, before a few people could react, a sharp cry suddenly sounded.

“Buzz! Buzz! ”

I saw a bee the size of three cows flying out of the bushes on both sides, this bee was not only huge, but also terrifying, and its huge body made people frightened.

“This is?”

Li Ang was an outsider and did not know much about the local fierce beasts of the Tianyuan Immortal World, so he showed a puzzled look.

Lin Yiming recognized the origin of the bee at a glance, stared at the eight blue-purple lines on the bee’s body, swallowed his saliva, and said bitterly; “Eight lines! This is a Xuanlei poison bee with eight thunder patterns! ”

This remark frightened Ao Xu a lot, and said in shock; “Brother Lin is saying that this is an eight-striped Xuanlei poisonous flame bee, doesn’t it mean that this fierce beast at least has the strong cultivation of the True God Realm!”

“That’s right, it not only has the cultivation of the True God, it is very likely to be in the late stage of the True God or even the peak, you see the thunder pattern on its body, there is already a trend of purple!”

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