Hearing this, Xie Tiannan stopped talking, although he was very annoyed by Lu Muzhou’s approach in his heart, he had to admit that the strength of the Seven Swords of Intercepting Heaven was indeed very strong.

Although there were a total of ten elders present on the side of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate, except for Xie Tiannan himself, there were only three people who cultivated to reach the True God realm, and the remaining six elders only had the cultivation of the peak of the false god.

On the other hand, looking at the Seven Swords of the Heaven Interception, everyone has the cultivation of the True God Realm, among which there are four people who are at the peak of the True God realm alone!

As the head of the seven swords, Lu Muzhou’s cultivation is comparable to Xie Tiannan, and what makes Xie Tiannan most jealous is that five hundred years ago, he had fought with Lu Muzhou head-on, and in that battle, he was accidentally severely injured by Lu Muzhou, and stayed in the Xuanxian Immortal Gate for nearly a thousand years to recover from his injuries.

This shows how strong Lu Muzhou’s combat strength is, which is also the reason why Xie Tiannan is unwilling to clash head-on with the Seven Swords of Interception Sky so early.

If it were a different person, with the style of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate, I am afraid that he would have rushed forward to kill the other party cleanly!

After a moment of silence, Xie Tiannan said; “Lu Muzhou, the opening of the Lingqing Secret Realm is imminent, and this seat does not want to have a big conflict with you, but you only hurt the elder of my sect in broad daylight, which really damages the face of my sect, no matter what, you must give this seat a proper explanation today, otherwise even if you fight for the old life of this seat, this seat will not easily let you go!”

After saying that, Xie Tiannan’s eyes flashed a resolute look, as if he was desperate.

The Seven Swordsmen of the Heaven-Cutting Heaven naturally did not instigate at all, and they stepped forward one after another, and the sharp sword intent was ready to strike!

“Wait, all retreat!” Lu Muzhou waved his hand at this time and said, signaling the other swords not to clash with Xie Tiannan, and then took out a jade-like item from the space treasure he carried with him and threw it to Xie Tiannan.

“How about Xie Lao Mo, this kind of thing should be enough to express my apologies, how about stopping the matter just now?” There should be no conflict between you and me before entering the Spirit Clear Secret Realm. ”

Xie Tiannan took the jade-like item thrown by Lu Muzhou, fixed his eyes, a ball of essence appeared in his eyes, quickly put away the jade-like item, and said in a deep voice; “Okay, since you are so sincere, then let’s stop the previous matter, this seat will give you this face, and we will go first.”

After speaking, Xie Tiannan led a group of elders of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate to quickly move away from the Seven Swords of the Heaven-Cutting Heaven and re-find a place to stay.

And the seven swordsmen who stayed in place couldn’t help but show a puzzled look on their faces, and one of the swords with the True God Realm came out and asked; “Senior brother, why do you want to let Xie Tiannan and them leave, counting Old Demon Xie, there are only four true gods on the side of the Xuanxi Immortal Gate, but the seven of us are all true god realms, and with the strength of the master brother, it is not a matter of defeating Xie Tiannan, why not wipe out everyone in the Xuanxian Immortal Gate!”

Lu Muzhou’s eyes were meaningful, his eyes looked far away in the direction where Xie Tiannan and the others left, and said word by word; “Although the overall strength of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate side is not comparable to ours, if Xie Tiannan really works hard, it will also bring us inevitable losses.”

“The Lingqing Secret Realm is about to open, I don’t want any accidents to happen before this, and after entering the secret realm, I will look for an opportunity to find the Xuanxian Immortal Gate to settle accounts.”

“What’s more, don’t forget, the Xuan Hades Nine Star Array of the Xuan Hades Immortal Gate is extremely difficult!”

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