Hearing Zhang Xuansong’s muttering, Li Ang’s mind couldn’t help but come alive, the side of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate suddenly joined two unfathomable strong cultivators, which was more or less a serious threat to himself, it seems that after entering the Lingqing Secret Realm, he must hurry up and break through the shackles.

Otherwise, if someone can reach the Heavenly God Realm first on the side of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate, then it should be Li Ang who should run.

On the other side, Xie Tiannan happily talked with his eldest brother and Elder Taishang Fan Wugui, and the content of the conversation between the three of them was actually discussing Li Ang in addition to the Lingqing Secret Realm.

I saw Fan Wuxian glance at Li Ang with gloomy eyes, and said hoarsely; “This kid is already a dead man, don’t worry about him for the time being, wait until you enter the Lingqing Secret Realm, and then think of other ways to clean him up.”

Xie Bian said; “What Senior Brother said is that the most urgent thing is to enter the Lingqing Secret Realm as the primary purpose.”

Immediately, the two of them squeezed a drop of essence blood from their fingertips and threw it onto the bronze gate.

As the essence blood of the second elder Xuan Hao merged into the bronze gate, suddenly, the gate completely changed from bronze to blood red, and layers of forbidden light appeared on it!

Fortunately, under the erosion of everyone’s essence and blood, the forbidden light on the bronze gate became more and more dim, and in the end, all disappeared!


With a sound, the bronze door slowly opened, and looking inside, you could faintly see colorful lights shining in it.

“Great, the door is finally open, Brother Li, let’s go in quickly.”

Zhang Xuansong shouted excitedly, and was about to drag Li Ang inside, but was pulled back by Li Ang and shook his head at him.

“Don’t worry, the Lingqing Secret Realm is not that simple.”

After Li Ang reminded him like this, Zhang Xuansong remembered that Li Ang was a person who had received the guidance of the Lingqing Immortal King, and his understanding of the Lingqing Secret Realm far exceeded him.

Immediately, Zhang Xuansong also held his temperament, but watched the bronze door open.

And the people of the Xuanxian Immortal Gate are not as patient as Li Ang and Zhang Xuansong, as soon as the gate opens, they rush inside, Xie Tiannan did not forget to look at him viciously when passing by Li Ang, as if to say, “Boy, your death period is not far away!” ”

In this regard, Li Ang just shrugged his shoulders indifferently and did not pay attention to it at all.

The people of the Heaven-Cutting Sword Sect originally wanted to follow the Xuanxian Immortal Gate into the Lingqing Secret Realm, but after Lu Muzhou saw that Li Ang and Zhang Xuansong did not move, his eyes rolled, and he immediately understood something, and also ordered the other swords to stand still and let others enter first.

When everyone had almost left, outside the bronze gate, only Li Ang, Zhang Xuansong and Seven Swords of Heaven were left.

Lu Muzhou came over and said; “Brother Li, you must have your own reasons for staying put, can you mention it in the next two.”

Hearing this, Li Ang smiled and nodded, Lu Muzhou had helped himself, and he had no reason to refuse people’s requests, and immediately said; “The Lingqing Secret Realm is actually composed of ten different dangerous places, those colorful lights in the gate are different small worlds, and in each small world, there are guardian divine beasts, and the more people who enter it first, the stronger the attack of divine beasts! Therefore, there is no need to compete for this opportunity, it is just asking for trouble.

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