As human spirits, Lu Muzhou and Zhang Xuansong knew very well the meaning of Li Ang’s words, because the Lingqing Immortal King favored, so the divine beasts guarding the dangerous land would not launch any attack on him, not only that, but also able to use the power of the divine beasts to deal with the demons suppressed in them, which can be described as unfavorable.

Zhang Xuansong’s eyes rolled, and he suddenly squeezed to Li Ang’s side and said with a smile; “Brother Li, this trip to the secret realm, I will follow you anyway.”

“Hmph, you drunkard, you obviously want to take advantage of Brother Li!” Lu Muzhou snorted coldly, although he also wanted to take the people of the Heaven-Cutting Sword Sect to follow Li Ang, but as the head of the Seven Swords of Heaven-Intercepting, he could not be as straightforward as Zhang Xuansong.

A person like Lu Muzhou, who has a head and face and an identity, always likes to think about some face problems.

Zhang Xuansong was ridiculed by Lu Muzhou, and he was not angry, and said with a smile; “Lu Da Jianzi, I am different from you, as the head of the seven sword sons of the Heaven-Cutting Sword Sect, your status is respected, naturally you are more cheeky, and I am different, but I am a scattered person, where there is meat to eat, where there is wine to drink, I will go wherever I go, as for the face or something, it is not worth anything at all.”

Speaking, Zhang Xuansong also untied the wine jug around his waist and took a sip.

Seeing this, Li Ang couldn’t help but show a knowing smile, he liked Zhang Xuansong’s personality very much, bold and direct, never bent and twisted in his work, no matter what purpose he had, he would always put everything on the bright side.

Therefore, Li Ang smiled in response to Zhang Xuansong’s words; “What Brother Zhang said is that if you are willing to follow me, please ask Brother Zhang to feel free, and many people will also do more.”

Speaking of this, Li Ang’s words turned and pointed to the hesitant Lu Muzhou and said; “Brother Lu might as well go with you, before Brother Lu and the swords of Guizong helped those guys in the Xuanxian Immortal Gate in Xia, and they have always wanted to find an opportunity to repay you.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Muzhou hurriedly answered; “Ahem, since Brother Li invited him so sincerely, I’m embarrassed to say anything to refuse, so let’s go with Brother Li.”

After hearing this, the six swordsmen behind Lu Muzhou couldn’t help but show joy on their faces, and their attitude towards Li Ang changed greatly after entering the Lingqing Secret Realm, one was because of Li Ang’s own cultivation and behavior, and the other was because Li Ang was guided by the Lingqing Immortal King, and he walked flat in this Lingqing Secret Realm!

No danger, no opportunity can escape Li Ang’s eyes.

And Li Ang saw that Lu Muzhou agreed to go with him, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

For Lu Muzhou, Li Ang is not malicious, like Zhang Xuansong, the two may have different intentions when they first approached him, but with the contact of several people, the initial ulterior motives have faded a lot, and the relationship has become closer and more harmonious.

However, Lu Muzhou is different from Zhang Xuansong, he has a better face, unlike Zhang Xuansong who doesn’t care about anything cheeky at all.

Therefore, Li Ang handed Lu Muzhou a step so that he could agree to walk with Li Ang along this step.

All this was carried out in silence, and no one said anything, but Lu Muzhou nodded slightly towards Li Ang, the meaning was very clear, and he was thanking Li Ang for his good intentions.

Li Ang just smiled in return, not caring.

Instead, Zhang Xuansong couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice, “Hey, the people of the big sect are like this, what a good face!” ”

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